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A little trigger warning.




After I put my coat on, I transferred my ID from my back pocket and attached it to my shirt. Jungkook already has his white coat on, and before we go down to the emergency section, my pager goes off signaling we have an emergency down in the emergency section. Whether it's a patient that's about to show up in an ambulance, and needs neurological care, or just practically anything since i'm one of the one's on duty.

"Come on." I tell Jungkook, as we make our way down to where i'm supposed to be.

Before we even get to the section, I hear a bunch of noise. Louder than what it should be at 5 in the morning, even with an emergency case.

"No fair!" I hear someone yell in broken Korean.

A kid?

"I'm sorry kid, but that's how it works here." A staff, I assume, says.

"But.... Mom." The kid has trouble saying. We reach the emergency section, and I see a boy, maybe around 14, leaning on the counter, holding up, what I assume to be, his mother.

I get a better look at the situation, and see that the American boy is in black plaid pajamas, and is stabilizing an American woman in purple pajamas by holding her arm around his shoulder. She's conscious, but it looks like she's having trouble speaking. She's dazed, and looks as if she's about to fall anytime.

"Please.... Help." She get out. "I don't know.. what's wrong." The staff member looks to be having a hard time comprehending the English words.

"I'm sorry, but we have someone who's more important that is going to need to be helped. We need all of the hands we can get with that one." The staff member shakes his head.

"Please! Mom... MOMMY!" The mother then goes limp in his arms.

"What's going on here!?" I step up to the staff member. "Can't you see she just fainted!" I shout.


"No not well." I growl. "Someone better get this woman an MRI, a Doppler ultrasound , and an EEG!" I see Christian running to the mother and carrying her off of the little boy. "Take the boy, too, God dammit!" I shout as Christian was about to leave.

I then turn to the staff member. "And you, What the hell were you thinking?!" Jungkook then makes his way to me. "What kind of shit goes through your head to be so inconsiderate? That poor boy was asking for help. Pleading for some help, because he didn't know what was wrong with his own mother."

I grab his collar. "I don't have time for you, right now. There is a mother and son who needs me." I let go of him.

"But what about the male coming in the ambulance?" He asks. "He has an Astrocytoma tumor that need removing."

I then look around the area. Looking at all of the nurses and staff present, before locking eyes with a certain brown haired male.

"Jungkook will take care of him. Give Jungkook his file." I tell the staff. Then look to Jungkook.

"You know what to do. I trust you." I say, and he smiles a little. "Of course, Dr. Kim." He bows, before turning around, and taking the files from a nearby nurse. Standing his ground, while an ambulance pulls up.

"How are you just going to let your resident takeover a whole case? He's just a-" The staff member starts.

I then cut him off, and lean closer so no one but us can hear. "One more word from you, and I will cut off your balls, and feed them to the stray dogs out back."

He shivers.

"I'm giving you a leave. I will take this up to the directors, and they will see as to what to do with you. Don't come back until you get the OK, got it?" He nods quickly, scared of what I can do. "Now, SCRAM!" He then runs out of the hospital.

'What an idiot, he forgot all of his things.' I shrug, and go to the MRI section.

I go into the imaging room, and see Christian on a computer, and the little boy playing with his nails, sitting on the couch. The room is slightly dim, for obvious reasons, and there is a piece of one way glass so that we can see what's going on in the actual MRI process.

"Did you do the other test?" I ask.

"Yes, and I printed out the results." Christian hands me a folder.

"You know, you're certified to be a doctor, yet you still work behind a counter." I say, looking through the folder.

"Taehyung, we've had this talk multiple times. I like it there." Christian clicks some things on his mouse.

"Are you sure? Or are you scared?" I ask, looking up from the papers, already having a feeling about what the patient has, but I'll need to talk to her son first, and get the MRI results.

Christian looks over his shoulder trying to see if I'm joking, but i'm being completely serious.



The machine goes off, signalling the end of the process, and the data comes on the screen. I look through the data, and the disorder becomes clear. I turn to the son, and his head is still down.

But, I'll need to get some answers from the boy first.

[Vkook] A Hospital RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now