A future

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@Fallinginmadness this chapters is for you. Mainly because I've read all of your comments on almost every chapter.

@ClarissaRodgers Doney is a cute ship name.

I came up with the ship name Dashely. Can anyone do better?

So I'm coming up on the last few chapters and I want to make a sequel. Should the sequel be while she's in college or after college?


After three long months Honey and I are graduating from our private school in a few days.

Honey went to prom two months pregnant with Johnathan and I went to prom with Daniel. I fucked Daniel after prom and it was awesome.

When Honey's Mom found out she was pregnant she went ballistic. Screaming, cursing, she even slapped Honey a couple of times which is where her Dad had to step in.

Speaking of Dads mine is back in the house and still very judgmental but is kinda happy that I'm dating the Alpha.

I figured out what school I want to attend in the fall. DARTMOUTH! WOOO! Honey is going to go to school close to home so she and Johnathan can take care of the baby together while she attends school.

Everyone in the pack knows that Daniel and I are dating now. I have some haters but it's fine.

My Crystal pain had increased but subsidies when Daniel is around. I was slapped by Crystal and one of her friends which led to a huge fight that I was pulled out of when I nearly sliced her face off. Now she has a nice scar on her face to remember me by.


. A/N stop claiming my dots they're mine! Hehe


"Daniel, I will not let you leave here wearing that to my graduation." I scoffed.

He pulled out a pair of diarrhea green corduroy overalls. It was horribly disgusting!

He laughed and threw them back in the closet.

"Those are from a long time ago. I would never wear those now." He said. I nodded and look at Nathaniel.

"That was ugly wasn't it?" I asked. He stopped playing with his toys and nodded.

"Bo Abby peety." He said before giggling. I smiled and picked him up.

"Oh thank you Nathen. You're so sweet." I said.

Pain shot up my chest and I hastily put Nathaniel down before curling up in a ball. Daniel was by my side in seconds rubbing my back. I was seeing Daniel's face and little black dots. After a while I was able to breathe again and I stood up.

"I need air. Can we take a walk?" I asked. Daniel grabbed Nathan then grabbed my hand before leading me downstairs.

"Alpha and Ashley. You two are so cute together and with a baby too." A girl said with a smile I giggled and thanked her.

"Sunny." Nathaniel said while clapping his hands.

"Yes it is."

"So I was thinking sometime after your graduation we could visit New Hampshire and look for my apartment." He said.

I know he doesn't want to be too far from the pack but it's a private ivy league college. This is my only chance to try to become something. Most pack members don't go to college or even finish high school because it's not a priority.

"That sounds great. Just tell me the date and we can fly out there." I said with a smile.

"And I feel really bad because I've taken you out on two dates. So I'll squeeze one in whenever I can escape work." He added. I smiled and kissed his cheek as we entered the garden.

"Thanks but don't make them over the too. It can be a simple dinner or movie like last time." I said quietly.

"Dwn." Nathaniel whined.

Daniel put him down and he began playing with the grass. I smiled and sat down too.

"How do you feel about that?" He asked. I gave him a curious look and giggled a bit.

"About what?" I asked.

"A pup. How do you feel about a pup?" He asked.

"Well pups are cute but maybe after college when I have a career and a liable source of income." I said while scooting closer.

"We'll have pups?" He asked.

"Of course. After we're married." I said.

"Married?" He asked.

"Mated whatever you want to call it."

Most werewolves don't use the term marriage they use mate.

"So when we're mated?" He asked. I nodded and smiled.

"Can I have a kiss?" I asked already knowing the answer.

He leaned over and pressed his soft lips against mine. I hadn't kissed him in two days and I missed his lips. He bit my bottom lips and I bit his. He grabbed my thigh and pushed me back on the cold grass. Once I felt him...poking me in the thigh I stopped and went to grab Nathaniel before he crawled into trouble.

"I love so much, Ashely." He said in my ear.

"I love you too Daniel." I replied.


Ok I know a lots of you are mad about my 'important' update but here's my apology.  O:-)

And no, people I'm not having sex with my bf lol.





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