Chapter 19

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We set the date for August 2nd which was a Saturday,and 3 days away.I was a nervous mess,wondering why the hell I agreed,but I couldn't back out now.I wanted to do this and move the hell on.

Jason was busy these few days,so had to go buy the condoms.

And wearing a big black sunhat,a black maxi dress,big,black sunglasses,and red lipstick,I went into the pharmacy and bought a box.People stared at me,but they didn't recognize me and that's all that mattered.People officially knew me here as the famous Lorena LaDolce's daughter,and I would die of humiliation if there was a picture of me in US weekly,buying condoms at Walgreen's.

I was a nervous wreck that Saturday.Peter and mom were in NYC  and staying overnight for this Cirque Du Soleil thing and Adam would be gone too,since Robbie was throwing a pool party.

Which meant I had the whole house to myself.There would be no interruptions and nothing could stop this moment.

Well except my stomach.I felt like I was going to throw up at any second.

Maybe because this wasn't right.Maybe I should stick to my beliefs and lose my virginity to someone I loved.

But what happened,when the guy I loved,didn't love me back?

I brushed the thoughts aside and breathed deeply.I looked at myself in the mirror.I had loose curls in my hair,my legs were smooth,and I was wearing the same red strapless dress I had worn for my mom's rehearsal dinner.This dress had really crappy memories.I hoped tonight wouldn't be another one.

I headed downstairs,where I had tried to tidy up.The lights were dimmed and the scene itself wasn't the most romantic,but this would have to do.

I sat on the sofa waiting.It was already 7:50.Jason should be here at any second.

It was 8:04.He's probably around the corner.

8:15.He's probably stuck in traffic.

8:35.I've been stood up.

I tried to hold in my tears,as I blew out the candles.Why was I so unlucky!?I couldn't even lose my virginity!!

My phone began ringing and I answered it without looking at the screen,"Hello?"I said annoyed.

"Hey babe it's me."Jason said,"Guess what,my roots were showing and Denny,my hair dresser said we have to touch up ASAP so I can't make it tonight!"

I tried to hold back my anger,and not curse him out in all the languages I knew.Instead I said calmly,"You know what Jason,this isn't working out.Don't call me again."

"But-"he began to protest but I hung up.

I went over to the sofa and sat down,trying to hold back sobs.I was pathetic.I went from being this strong,independent girl,to this pathetic,dependent girl,who was willing to lose her virginity to some shallow,conceited snob!!!

I was disappointed,but most of all,I was disappointed in who I had become.

I began crying,glad I hadn't worn mascara since my face would be streaked black,and just sat there on the sofa,crying about how close I had been to making a mistake.This wasn't the way to forget Adam.Not by using someone.I would forget him eventually,and move on past this.It's not like I was the first girl in the whole world to fall in love with her stepbrother.There were probably thousands around the world who suffered of unrequited love.

I sat back in the sofa,wiping my tears,and heard the front door open.

I froze and stayed,silent,recognizing the footsteps belonging to Adam.

The StepbrotherTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang