chapter 18

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I guessed Adam was still mad at me about last night,because the next day,he avoided me like a plague as I got ready for my date with Jason.And Just like I wasn't excited for my date with Marc,I wasn't excited for this one either.

Weird.You would think that I score 2 hot guys in one month and I would be a little more enthusiastic.

I was home alone that night.Mom and Peter were having dinner with some friends and Adam was out too,probably with friends also.

I started laughing to myself as I remembered how Adam would tease me about my dates with Marc.How simple those days were when I could easily joke around with him without feeling like my heart was about to jump out of my chest.

The doorbell rang and I went downstairs,opening the door to a...blonder Jason.

He grinned,showing again those freakishly white teeth that really stood out against his tanned skin,"Hey sexy,I decided to go a little blonder for our hot date tonight.Chicks always dig me more as a platinum blond anyways."

I smiled politely,wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into when I said yes to this guy last night."Well,it looks great."I lied.Personally,I thought he looked terrible.He was way too tan for such a blond color.But what did I know,I wasn't the "successful" model,like he called himself,here.

He grinned,"OK,come on."

I followed him to his car,opening the door for myself(No chivalry I see) and we drove off.On the ride to the restaurant,he was telling me how his agent had landed him a shoot for Hollister,and that soon 'all of America would see his naked upper body on all Hollister shopping bags.'

Once again,I faked enthusiasm,"That's great!."Although I could care less about modeling.It just wasn't my thing.

We pulled up to a Sushi restaurant and I said,"I hate sushi,Jason."

He gave me another grin,as if with a simple grin he could solve all the world's problems,and said,"Trust me babe,you'll love this place."

I hated it.

I tried not to gag when I tried a Bath street roll,which has crab, octopus, cream cheese, smelt egg, avocado and cucumber,or when Jason told me to try a Dragon roll,which just thinking about it makes me want to throw up my insides.It's made of freshwater eel, crab and cucumber inside, rice and avocado outside.I actually had to run to the bathroom when I took a tiny bite of that.

In the end,I ended up drinking 3 glasses of Coke just to shut up my growling stomach.

After that atrocious meal,Jason drove us to a cliff that had a view of the river below.We sat there,and while Jason began telling me about how he was thinking about auditioning for this new show coming up on ABC,I began remembering when Adam and I went out for dinner 6 days ago.How we never ran out of things to talk about.How we joked around so easily.Or how for once,I didn't feel self-conscience with a guy.With him I felt so comfortable.And how looked at me,how he smiled.

"Serena?"Jason said,pulling me away from my thoughts.


He smiled,his teeth even shining in the darkness,"You look so sexy tonight."He said in a low seductive voice and leaned in to kiss me.

I only kissed him for about 10 seconds,because I could still taste the disgusting Dragon Roll in his mouth.For a guy who OD'ed on mouthwash for a living,you would think his breath would be a little fresher.

"So,I really had a great time tonight.''He began.

Good,because I didn't.

"So,you wanna go out some other time?"

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