chapter 10

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It was hot the next day,probably almost 100 degrees,which meant we had to go to the beach or we'd die of a heat stroke.

I was sorta hoping it would only be Adam and me.And nooo,not because I wanted to be alone with him,but because I didn't want to be annoyed by Hailey or the 3 pervs.

But of course,I have horrible luck.

"Baby!",Hailey burst through the front door yelling.She was wearing a transparent white beach dress that showed the bright pink bikini she was wearing underneath.

I looked at her annoyed that she thought she could just barge in here like she was in her own house.I went back to reading my magazine on the sofa as she ran up stairs.

I was wearing a short denim skirt and a torquoise tank top with flip flops.I was a little self conscience to wear a swim suit in front of  half strangers and in front of the guy who I made out with in a closet.

Hailey came back downstairs alone and when she saw me she scrunched her face up,"Ew your going?And you're wearing that?"

I shrugged,"What's wrong with my outfit?!"

She smirked,"Aww,are you sef conscience about your body?Because from what I've heard of,New Yorkers are unfit."

I gaped at her.Not in the Upper East Side!!Where everyone had personal trainers and nutritionist watching every single thing they put in their mouths!And plus,I've played soccer and tennis since I was 8.I was far from being unfit.

"Shut up,that's not true."I said,walking past her.I ran upstairs past Adam who was coming downstairs.

I shuffled through my drawers until I found the brand new Chanel bathing my mom brought me From Paris.It was a deep navy blue 2-peice that would be considered riske,but it was the only extremely  nice one I had.

I put it on,then threw my clothes on top and ran downstairs where Adam was waiting,in a white v-neck shirt and navy beach shorts,that were almost the same color of his eyes."You ready?"

I nodded and followed him outside,where I saw a van parked in the driveway,with the 3 pervs,Tanya,and 2 other girls I didn't know.

"Hey serena!"Tanya said to me.She was wearing a pink dress with white polka dots that was definetly 1960s style and it looked cute on her.

"Hey,I love your dress,"I told her and she beamed.

"Hey hottie,"Will said,putting an arm around my shoulders.

I shrugged his arm off,"don't touch me.''

He grinned,"Playing hard to get I see."

I rolled my eyes and walked towards Adam who said to me,"We don't have enough room in the van,so we're gonna have to go in my car."

I nodded,happy.I dont think I could stand riding in the car with 3 guys who constantly hit on me.

I got into the passenger seat and Hailey came at that moment,"Get out."

I scowled at her,"What,no!"

Adam came at that second,"Hailey,just sit in the back."

She glared at him,"Are you serious?"


She groaned but got in the car.From the rearview mirror I could see her with her arms crossed and pouting,which made me smile.

It was only about a 20 minute car ride,which I was grateful for since Adam and Hailey were arguing about something dumb that happend last year.I wasn't even paying attention to what the fight was about but I remember hearing Hailey's high pitch voice and Adam trying to stay calm

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