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*WARNING: There are mature themes in this story. Themes that people like to avoid, but we cannot. We must not. It is reality.

This is a story for the {im}perfection dare created by @beyoutiful1D. There is a prompt for everyday, and the only rule is to enjoy myself.

Started June 22nd, 2014.

Day one; write a scene that takes place in a coffee shop.


The oddly tall brunette walked into the small coffee shop, ordered her usual cappuccino, and sat down at the round table gently pressed against the slightly-tinted window. She played on her phone, to avoid her impatience during her wait.

A few hours later she was still there . . . she hadn't moved whatsoever. The phone was lifeless, but she hadn't lost all of her hope. Unpolished fingernails tapped lightly onto the table as her watery brown eyes stared out the window.

Sitting at a back table was a short blonde with blue eyes. She was full of curiosity, which had kept her at her table, but she was waiting also. She watched the brunette from a reasonable amount of distance. She arrived before the brunette, but the brunette seemed oblivious to the fact.

"I wonder why she's waiting," the blonde whispered to herself, before getting up to refill her coffee for the seventh time.

Another female entered the shop, paying for a small black coffee, and then walked towards the back table. Her light brown curls bounced as she strutted through the room. She was dressed in an awfully short and skimpy skirt, and a crop tee.

"Why are you still here?" The newly customer asked the blonde sitting at the table, while she sat her coffee down and took off her round sunglasses from the top of her head.

"I wish I was her," the blonde admired the darker featured brunette sitting by the window. The dark brunette had a naturally tan complexion, dark brown eyes, and a slim figure. She didn't wear fitted clothes, but she still looked absolutely stunning in her Rolling Stones tee and loose jeans. The blonde wondered a lot about her; her age, ethnicity, what her voice sounded like, but mostly why she had sat in the same spot for multiple hours. The amount of self control the task of patience took had fascinated the blonde.

The blonde's friend followed her eye's view, which she noticed the darker girl sitting by herself, still staring at the streets of the city through the large window.

"I don't," her friend rudely remarked.


"She's sad. You can see it in her eyes."

The blonde took her gaze off from the lonely girl, to make eye contact with her friend.

"She's been waiting for awhile, I never could be that patient. It must've meant something to her," the blonde defended the stranger, but completely ignored her friend's snobby remark.

"Maybe she's in denial. She could've been stood up by a guy," the light brown haired female gossiped.

"No, that's not it." the blonde whispered to her friend.

"Why are you so interested in this stranger? It's not even a cute guy."

"She's admirable, that's why."

The blonde switched her view back to the table, only to notice that the stranger's impatience had caused her to leave.

"If she's so admirable, then why did she just leave?" the rude friend spoke.

"That's a question only she could possibly answer." The blonde replied, and then took a drink of her cold coffee she had refilled.

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