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Time of day - A few minutes before the concert ends.

yay Derek.

day eight; write a scene that takes place at a concert.


"This concert is amazing!" Emma attempted to yell over the dramatically loud music.

"What was that?" Belle questioned through her yelling because she had no idea of what the blonde had said.

"I said 'This concert is amazing!'" Emma repeated herself as she yelled louder.

"I still can't hear you!" The brunette yelled fiercely back as she swayed her skinny hips with the extremely loud music.

"She said that you should give me your number," an unfamiliar and German accented voice spoke. Belle jumped immediately after the man whispered closely by her ear.

"No, I don't think that's what she said!" She sassily snapped back to the man. Due to the cold, the concert was moved to an indoor stadium, making your surroundings very hard to view;even five feet in front of you. The only possible sight you could distinguish were the stage of musicians. "Get off of me!" Belle screamed at the mysterious man as the concert ended. The blonde quickly noticed the "freak," and the two decided to leave early to avoid the countless hours of outing traffic.

"Let's go eat!"

"Oh great, I'm starving!" the brunette cheered excitedly over the nourishment the two were about to intake. "Pull into this restaurant!" Belle pointed at a public diner. "That sounds great! Doesn't it?" Emma silently nodded in response as she drove into the parking lot of the diner.


The waitress set the food down in front of the duo.

"Thank you!" Emma spoke quickly before rushing out of the booth to urgently use the restroom.

"I had the extra large burger special with French fries and a Caesar salad," Belle smiled nicely to the waitress.

"Oops, sorry my mistake." the waitress quickly switched the friends' plates. "Enjoy!" Mage noted with a smile as she left.

"That's a lot of food, wouldn't you say?" the familiar and terrible yet husky voice arose from the booth next to Belle's backside.

"Girl's have to eat at some point," the brunette smoothly babbled back to the man, without facing him. Before taking a bite into her large amount of food.

"Do I know you? You sound so familiar I swear-"

"Maybe you've hit on me before, you seem as if you're the 'ladies man of the century!'" Belle sarcastically blurted to the man still without contact.

"You're the girl from the concert!" the man finally realized. "I knew I've heard your sassy voice before." He said with a wink.

"Sassy?" The brunette questioned as she continued to eat.

"Completely," he insisted with a wide smile. "So there's this party, and I was wondering if you would like to come with me. I'll even take you home afterwards."

"How do I know you're not going to kidnap me nor you're some forty year old pervert!" She teasingly accused with a smirk.

"You're just going to have to trust me." His deep voice crawled closer to Belle's ear as each syllable escaped his mouth. "After all, you haven't even looked at me yet." The soft ends of the man's slightly chapped lips barely traced the female's ear; but it had sent chills throughout her long body. The shivers almost caused the brunette to abruptly spit out her food.

Belle finally decided to take a glimpse of the man that had seemed to intimidate her. She slowly turned her head to view an extremely attractive man. She could instantly detect multiple character traits about the clean cut man.

*He was dedicated-he worked out a lot for a fit and healthy body.

*He was strong, a tease, but yet reserved-he could intimidate another easily.

*He was confident-he had a wide smirk plastered on his olive-tone face.
He definitely knew he was good looking.

"So you're German?"

"Born and raised in Oldenburg. Have you been to Germany?"

"No," the brunette sadly commented.

"You should visit! I miss the city dearly."

"You don't look German." Belle pointed out his features compared to the blonde hair and bright blue eyed stereotype of the average German. He had medium brown and clean cut hair, with hazel eyes.

"Not your average junge, am I?" He proposed with a happy smile. "So about that party-"

"Hey I'm back, someone was in the bathroom so I had to wait and-" Emma walked into the scene of Belle flirting with some guy, so she had quickly decided to silently take a seat and enjoy the show.

"I'm going to an after party with, uhh," Belle realized the man hadn't mentioned his name throughout their talk.

"Derek Curtis Lochner." The newly named man charmed with a smile.

"Hello, Derek." Emma spoke with a forced smile.

"Yeah, Derek. I'll see you soon Emma!" The brunette announced quickly before taking the last bite of her food and rushing out of the booth.

"Oh, okay. Have fun!" Emma commented disappointingly with sad eyes before shoving her plate across the table, losing her appetite.

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