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You'll get more of an explanation of what is happening in this current chapter, in the next one.

Any guesses?

day twenty eight; write a scene that is completely shocking.


"What's going on?" The female questioned as she noticed the large gathering of people surrounding the alley by her apartment.

"Do you know this woman? She has not been identified yet."

"No!" Belle screamed as she took in the features of the body lying lifelessly the ground.

"Then you'll have to move over there, where all the other citizens are." The officer pointed to the large crowd of people.

"Y-yes I k-know h-her."

"I thought you just told me you didn't," the officer sighed. "Please identify this person,"

"I-It's.." The brunette stuttered due to her shock.

"Ma'am, please identify this person."

"It's my friend..."

"What is your friend's name?"

"Emma." Belle sobbed as Derek took her in with a warming hug. "Emma McClaire."

"Someone call Matthew!" Derek yelled as if someone knew what he was talking about.

The name Matthew whispered loudly through the crowd, but no one took action to making the call. That was until a female with blonde hair pushed through the gathering of people impolitely.

"Matthew who?" the unfamiliar female questioned.

"Here, take my phone! He's in my contacts! Hurry!" Derek commanded worried as the blonde did what she was told.

"Hello? Is this Matthew?"

"Who's this?" Matthew questioned confused on the phone. "This is not Derek."

"This is Kristen, uhh I suggest you-"

"Who the hell is Kristen!"

The blonde then handed the phone to Derek, as he mouthed thank you.


"Are you cheating on Belle? You better not be! She's a great girl and-"

"No I am not cheating on Belle."

"Why do I hear sirens? Who's Kristen? Where are you?"

"Just come to the alley by Belle's apartment."

"Why would I do that?"

"Just come here!" Derek yelled.

"Tell me why and then I will," Matthew spoke rudely.

"It's Emma, Matthew."

And with Derek's reply, Matthew had hung up the phone instantly.

Sad Eyes (Republished)Where stories live. Discover now