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Final chapter of Sad Eyes.

I attempted to end this on a somewhat positive note. I love you all, thank you so much. I will be adding an overview and thank you chapter.

Supposed to be completed July 23rd, 2014 {oops}

Completed July 10th, 2014

day thirty one; write a scene with a character based off of yourself.


"Thank you all for coming," a women with Emma's blonde hair sobbed loudly to the attendee's in the small funeral home, to which Belle assumed it was her mother. "If Emma were here today, she would've loved to see all of your faces here, for her."

Belle's facial expression saddened because of her friend's mother. Emma couldn't stand being around most people for more than a few hours, why would her mother lie about something so simple? Maybe if her mother would've came to visit Emma just once, the blonde wouldn't have passed.

The brunette's thoughts were interrupted due to Derek's shoulder bumping her in the arm.

"It's your turn, go up there. I'll be right here the whole time," He whispered. Belle stood up from her seat, taking a look around the room as she walked up to the alter. Surprisingly all of their co-workers had made an appearance, but Belle knew they never really cared for Emma. Matthew was sitting a few seats down from Derek, bawling his eyes out. Why couldn't The Lord take him with her? They could've had their own little eternity.

Belle felt awful at the thought of Emma's cause of death. Her murder will never be found, and that angered Belle.

Comforting Matthew was a female Belle had never met before. She had very dark brown hair like Belle, dark emerald eyes that were obviously colored contacts but they looked natural and stunning, she was curvy and short like Emma but tan like Belle. She was the two of them combined as one. Belle grinned at the sight of the unfamiliar female, to which she smiled back and nodded with a tear about to fall from her pretty eye.

On the other side of the aisle, was Emma's long distant family. Not one of them had shed a tear except the little child in the back.

Most of these people in this church didn't care for Emma, in conclusion. She was stubborn, impatient, annoying, talkative, irritating, but Belle, and Emma's close friend's absolutely adored the blonde's flaws.

"Hello," the brunette coughed. "I remember when I first talked to Emma, it was in a shoe shop. She had found a pair of Vans of course, but I never really got why she was so obsessed with the shoe. Anyway, she was sprinting to the cashier but ran into me which isn't surprising," most of the people in the room chuckled, causing Belle to sigh. "She told me she had noticed me, in the coffee shop a few days before. At first that seemed strange and odd, but now I think about it, I'm glad she did. Without her seeing me, we never would've gabbed on nor introduced ourselves," the brunette was on the edge of bawling her eyes out, but somehow didn't.

After the brunette made her speech, a few others did the same and finally the closest friends and family members were led to a private room, to read Emma's final wish letter.


Thank you all for showing up at my funeral.

I never thought I would be saying that, oh wow.

I feel as if my time is coming soon, so I decided to write this.

The people most important in my life will get the following, as for the rest of you not included, you get nothing. I have given a lot of thought to whom gets what, so here it goes.

Matthew; I love you so much, you know that right? You were my world, I had no idea what I would do if I lost you, but I know what I would want you to do. I want you to let me go when you're ready. Even if it takes 5 weeks or 5 years. I don't want to be something you grieve about. Did I mention I love you so much?

I want you to have my moped you somehow adore, all of my art supplies I bought you, all of the pictures of you and I together, one picture of me, and $100,000 I've been saving in my bank account. I want you to have a strong built family, so please save it.

I love you.

Belle; you were my best friend. I'm so glad I met you. I hope you and Derek get married one day, because he's perfect for you. Tell him to take care of you, I'll be watching. I love you like a sister.

I want you to have most of my belongings. All the rest of my pictures, every pair of shoes, all of my books, my mattress, my couch, my blue scissors, all of it. I also want you to have the rest of my money in my bank account. Please save yours, I know how much you love to shop. Save it for your future.

I love you and Matthew so much.

This isn't our "goodbye,"
it's our "see you later."

Let me go, but don't forget me.




Everyone in the room was yelling at Belle and Matthew, saying they will sue them for all of Emma's belongings and how they deserve it.

But the two just sat there, taking it all in that Emma was gone. Matthew was sweetly led out of the room by the female comforting him earlier, but Belle sat in her seat next to Derek.


This was it, their final goodbyes.

Matthew had stuck his letter through the material of a flower bouquet, and he kissed the coffin goodbye.

Belle was the last person to touch the coffin, and as she did so, she put one ivory colored rose that matched Emma's vans. The rose was placed on top, that contained a little note on the side.

Belle, Derek, and Matthew, all watched their dear friend's casket drop into the ground. Their eyes were filled with tears, but Matthew suddenly grinned, as if he could feel her presence like she promised.

"I love you, Emma," Matthew whispered extremely quiet.

After everyone cleared the perimeter except for Belle and Derek, Belle asked for time alone.

"Sure, I'll be in the car. I love you."

"I love you. See you soon."

"See you, beautiful." Derek yelled as he walked to his car.

"Oh Emma," Belle sighed as she walked and sat in front of the blonde's grave stone. "I already miss you," she added as she gracefully ran her fingers across the engraved name.

Emma Mae McClaire
August 9th, 1990 - April 7th, 2015

"Oh silly, impatient, talkative, Em. I was waiting for someone like you to come around, and I am happy I met you. I could never regret losing you, because you made me learn more about myself and fix me. You are my motivation. I love you like a dear sister, and you'll always be in my heart." Belle paused in need of a breath and to wipe a falling tear.

"See you soon," the brunette smiled as she got up from the grass, and walked towards Derek's car.

She then wiped the tears away from her sad eyes and drove far away.


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