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Day two; write a scene involving a small item that triggers a memory.


The blonde was skimming around the shoe store, noticing a pair of cream Vans with golden shoe laces. She obsessed over the classic shoe, simply because they were comfortable and matched most of her outfits. Almost every pair of shoes she had owned, was a pair of Vans. She had never saw a pair like these before, which had caused her to become very excited. Exactly like a little girl on Christmas when she received the doll she had begged her mother months for.

Her hands instantly clutched onto the box, while she had a wide grin plastered on her face. She quickly turned around, almost sprinting to the checkout lane; but she was abruptly stopped because she bumped into another.

"Sorry," she mumbled a meaningless apology.

"It's okay," the stranger spoke as she turned to the blonde. Her brown eyes followed the blonde's arm to notice the box of Vans. "Vans are nice. Those pair remind me of some I had when I was a little girl," she complimented with a fake and toothless grin.

"That's cool! They're my favorite, so I have lots of pairs-" The blonde immediately stopped gabbing about her fascination of the shoe, then she made polite eye contact. She dropped the shoe box in her hands, internally full of surprise. As she looked at the person she had recently rammed into, noticing the familiar dark features that the girl from the coffee shop had, in which she deeply admired.

"Weren't you at the coffee shop just down the street, a few days ago?" the blonde instantly questioned the brunette.

"Yes?" She shyly answered.

"I was there also. I knew you looked familiar! My name is Emma." The blonde brought her hand outward to shake the brunette's hand to greet her, but the other female jumped lightly in a spazzing manner, due to Emma's fast action.

"Sorry, I'm Annabelle. I also go by Belle, it's easier to remember." Belle replied while hesitantly taking Emma's greeting hand gesture.

"It's nice to meet you, Belle," Emma said with a warming grin.

"You also, Emma," Belle replied with a forced smile.

"Do you want to go get a coffee? There's this new place a block down that I've been dying to-"

"No, thank you Emma. I'll see you around!" Belle interrupted the slightly annoying and talkative blonde; to quickly leave once again. Emma rushed to the checkout line, bought her shoes, and sprinted out of the shoe store.

"She couldn't have gone far," Emma spoke quietly to herself. Her sky blue eyes searched through the crowds of people at the mall, attempting to find Belle.

Emma had gone through every possible store that day, but there was no sign of Belle.

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