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Very short chapter, but the passage is deep within the words.

Also I have a new short story that I am going to publish after this update, it's called;

"pickup lines"

and it would mean a lot to me if you would check it out.

day nine; write a scene with only one character, alone.


Emma was lying down-alone in her blue room covered with multiple blankets, yet still shivering. All she would do was blankly stare out the large window beside her bed, and sadly watch the rain fall.

She hasn't heard from her dear friend, Belle in two weeks. Emma worried about her greatly, and wondered if the brunette felt the same towards her.
Emma attempted to encourage herself to meet other people and make new friends, but she was so stubborn that she absolutely couldn't stand spending more than a few hours with someone else.

So she stayed in her room, unless she forced herself out to the bathroom because she felt sickening.

"Sometimes I wish I could just disappear," the lonely blonde whispered in a melancholy voice to herself.

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