Overview & Thank You's

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To start with, I would like to thank everyone whom has read and enjoyed this book.

All of your votes and comments have a significant meaning to me; you dedicated me to update this book as much as I possibly could!

Sad Eyes was supposed to be a daily challenge and the author post one chapter a day, but I couldn't stop writing and publishing once I started.

If you were satisfied with this story, I suggest you read some of my other pieces.


Overview of the Book:

I believe it was highly necessary for one of the main characters to pass. Though if you are upset with Emma dying you have to understand Emma was never the protagonist, Belle was.

The main message behind this book is not about abuse, self-harm, nor the problems society currently is going through. To shortly summarize the concept, it is to appreciate the things in life because life is short.

Emma and Belle change throughout the book, and they somewhat switch places, but for the better.

Emma becomes more subtle, patient, and values her surroundings like Belle. She had a rough period during the book, but she met Matthew to which he fixed the broken girl just as Derek helped Belle.

In conclusion, Belle values the time she spent with her deceased friend, but she will always be internally sad.

Thank you for your time, I love you all.

Yet again you all deserve a massive thank you!

- Gabriella

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