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Dedicated to @notoriousteen because ily omg

Happy birthday to me!

day twelve; write a scene involving the word "angel"


"Hello, Belle." Emma tapped the brunette on the shoulder as she stood over Belle.


"Yes, it's me."

"How did you get in here?"

"You tell me." Emma spoke irritated because of all her friend's questions.

"Wait, what?" Belle suddenly became completely confused.

"Never mind. That's not important."

"No, tell me!" The stubborn brunette commanded.

"I'm sorry, but I know as much as you."

"I don't get what you're saying! You look different Emma, is something wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong at the moment, but I'm not my regular self, Belle."


"I'm your envious feature that is dying to sneak through."

"So you're my conscience?"

"No, something like that."

"An angel?"

"You have the answer, this is your dream, after all."

The brunette abruptly woke up, as her loud alarm labeled "work" went off.

"T-That felt so surreal." Belle mumbled with a stutter and heavy breaths as she lazily got off her bed and headed to the wooden desk by her bedroom window.

The brunette then pulled open the loose knob connected to a drawer, and took ahold of the slightly torn and brown journal lying on top of messy, loose-leaf papers.

Belle's eyes skimped through her writing as she rapidly flipped to the next open page and her tall body sat on the desk chair. She grabbed a blue pen from the tin of multiple writing utensils and began to write.


Dear Journal,


Long time no talk, I've been very busy lately. Derek is still the same sweetheart as I've mentioned before, I knew something was different about him ever since he told me about his silly fascination for poems.

The way he constantly complimented and recited Arnold's poems made it seem as if he were Matthew himself.

Arnold's poetry often wrestles with problems of psychological isolation.
In my favorite "To Marguerite-Continued," Arnold revises Donne's assertion that "No man is an island," suggesting that we "mortals" are indeed "in the sea of life enisled."

I envy Arnold because he has won Derek's heart and his dedication. Even though I am Derek's girlfriend!

Yes it happened, he finally called me his girlfriend.

Did you know he plays guitar and sings beautifully? Well of course not, I haven't been writing lately.

His voice is smooth and sweet, like silk.

It's soothing to the tongue as chocolate.

He is such a knock-out, with his rich and vibrant accent.

I am actually happy in my life right now.

Unfortunately, my life can also be labeled as a soap opera.

Emma has been missing for two weeks. I attempted to search for her, call her, leave her over 200 messages (which is the reason I have a high phone bill and a high anxiety level at the moment), and file a missing person's report.

I cannot continue.

If she wants to talk, she will call me.

I've been patient with her, but I just can't do it anymore.

I promise to write more.




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