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day thirty; write a scene you've been dying to write, anything at all.


Belle had finally gone over to Emma's house after the incident. Matthew wanted his deceased girlfriend's best friend to come and visit first, to claim a few items and open a letter he had found with the name, Belle scribbled on the front.

She hesitantly knocked on the door, with Derek by her side comforting her. Belle hadn't felt this nervous, even when she had met Arnold and Liz Lochner. The two situations were not simply comparable in Belle's eyes.

"Hello," Matthew breathed effortlessly, but not necessarily in a positive way as he opened the door for the couple. "Come in, please."

Belle took in the sight of Matthew, and she instantly couldn't believe that this was the same Matthew she had only heard so much about. He had obviously let his appearance go, somewhat. A short beard took play on the bottom of his ashy face, the short but kind of clean cut hair had flopped in every direction possible, dark and sickening bags due to the constant nights without sleep dragged his eyes downward. How could he let himself go like that? Especially for Emma's sake.

"How are you, Matthew?" Derek questioned Matthew, as he noticed the poor condition he was currently undertaking.

"Fine," he spat.

"I know losing someone is hard, but that is life-"

"The letter is on the table." Matthew quickly interrupted Derek and left to his bedroom, slamming his door after entering.

Belle walked over to the letter, noticing Emma's handwriting.

The same handwriting that filled lively letters that will never full fill the same pleasure again.



If you, Annabelle Jacobs, are reading this letter, I am so proud of you. It must've taken awhile to find this, due to my excellent hiding techniques.

We have became such great friends, and even though we grew distance at a point, I don't regret a single moment. You were my best friend.

I admire you dearly, you're so patient. I remember when you were sitting in the coffee shop, staring out the window as if you were waiting for your "something."

It's sad to say, my "something" doesn't feel right anymore. I can't put my finger on the reason exactly, but someday I will.

It doesn't involve my love life, nor our friendship, but it's definitely something.

Something that had effected my past, which you've caught me in the act. My Demons came back for me, don't let them do the same for you.

I'm not ready to die, but if God himself is ready, then I will change my mind. It may not be peaceful like I've always wanted, but most ways end the same.

Maybe there is no God, maybe there is.

I will find out.

Your "something", must've been a lot better than mine.

Emma McClaire


Belle handed the letter over to Derek, as tears started to fall down her cheeks again.

"I'm so sorry," Derek whispered in her ear as he comforted his crying girlfriend by wrapping her in his arms. "Why were you waiting?" He asked after she fixed herself together, somewhat.

"What?" She questioned surprised.

"At the coffee shop, why were you waiting?" Derek repeated himself.

"Oh," she sighed. "I was waiting for my muse."

"What do you mean? What type of muse?"

"I was waiting for my muse, so it's a person. I guess I was waiting for someone to make my life better, or they would be my motivation so I could become better. Emma was my muse, we were polar opposites and she fixed most of what I couldn't in myself. Until you came and fixed the rest. So in conclusion, it is synonymous to say you two were whom I was waiting for."

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