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This is a memory of Matthew and Emma. In a previous chapter, Matthew had a picture of the duo taken at a zoo.

This is the day.

Emma and Matthew are so playful it's so cute.

I ship them, anyone else?

#ematthew or #memma

day twenty six; write a scene that takes place exactly where you are right now.


"I cannot believe you're taking me to the zoo!" The blonde spoke shocked and full of surprise as she walked pass the gates of the zoo, while holding hands with Matthew.

"I cannot believe you brought your old camera! I need to buy you a new one."

"No you don't, this one is fine."

"Yes I do."


"Yes, it's my job to spoil you rotten."

"Not necessarily!"

"Then admit I'm the best boyfriend ever."



"Matthew, look! It's a giraffe!" Emma happily cheered as she dragged her boyfriend by the wrist over to the giraffe habitat.

"They kind of look like you, but I think your neck is longer, and maybe you nose is a little bigger," Matthew teased Emma in a joking matter which caused her to chuckle and hit him on the arm. "Ow!" he shrieked playfully.

"What are you doing with my camera?" the blonde female curiously wondered as her boyfriend took her camera.

"Excuse me, miss!" Matthew ignored Emma's question, and tapped on the shoulder of an older women. "Would you be so kind and take this photo of my girlfriend and I?"

"Please!" Emma cheered as she finally caught on.

"Sure, no problem!" The women answered with a sincere smile as she took the camera into her hands. "Okay now, 1, 2, 3!" The click of the camera followed the sound of the stranger's voice.

"Thank you so much!" Emma gratefully appreciated the lady at the same time Matthew had spoke, "thank you!"

The stranger handed the camera back to Emma instantly, and the blonde quickly pressed a few buttons to the photo.

"You look absolutely gorgeous," Matthew whispered seductively close by her ear.

"You aren't even looking at the camera!" Emma giggled.

"You're too distracting!" He replied, making her cheeks blush into a deep reddish-pink.

"Oh stop," She said a lively smile.

"Best boyfriend award?" He questioned as he kissed her cheek.


"My arm still hurts," he commented jokingly.

"You'll get over it, we are going to your replica habitat too," Emma remarked sarcastically as she pointed to the Hippos.

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