egg tosser

137 11 13

What do you guys imagine Emma and Belle to look like? Celebrity-wise.

day five; write a scene that takes place on a farm.


"Here it is!" Belle drove into the unpaved driveway leading to a small navy house with a chipped white porch and a red door. Next to the house was a big field of corn, followed by a massive red barn that had matched the color of the house door. The barn was over twice the size of the house, and Emma seemed to be overwhelmed with the view.

"Wow," was the only word Emma could quietly mumble through her mouth.

"Lame, right?" Belle snorted un-attractively. "We could always do something else, Emma."

"No! This is really cool!"

"Alright. I just have to stop inside the house real quick and we can walk to the barn."

"Sounds good to me!" Emma said cheerfully.


"Hello, mother. This is my friend, Emma," the brunette introduced the blonde to her mother. Emma shyly smiled as she shook Belle's mother's hand. Belle was an exact replica of her mother; they both had dark brown eyes and the same dominant and high cheek bones. The only difference was Belle's hair was a dark brown while her mother had dyed her hair jet black and age, of course.

"Hello! I'm Ms. Jacobs, but you can call me, Ashley. It's very nice to meet you! Any friend of Belle's is welcome." Ashley took Emma's hand and firmly shook it. "I should call Jasper and let him know you have arrived!"

"Mother-" Belle sighed.

"Be polite! I'll go phone him right now, stay in the barn!" Ashley swiftly walked through the room to retrieve the phone.

"Hurry, maybe we can hide from him." Belle jokingly suggested.

"I heard that!" Ashley yelled loudly as Emma giggled.

The two girls ran out the door, heading towards the barn.

"How many animals do you have?" Emma breathlessly asked as they reached the barn.

"Too many to count!" Belle replied with a wide grin.

"Who's Jasper?"

"He's just some kid my mother-"

Belle was instantly cut off by a deep voice. A tall male walked into the barn, and sat on a barrel of hay a few feet away. He had light brown shaggy and messy hair, skimpy shoulders, and a tall but skinny figure.
"Did someone mention the name of an extremely attractive and hot stud by the name of Jasper?" Jasper creepily smiled at the two girls petting the horses.

"Nope. Didn't hear anything..." Belle rudely snapped at Jasper's lousy attempt of a pick-up. "Did you?" There was a long pause, to which Emma instantly looked at Belle, realizing Belle was talking to her.

"Uhh, well-"

"What do you want, Jasper?" Belle snapped at the male once again. "I don't want you to be around us with your rude comments, especially me."

"Ah come on! Y'all didn't miss me?" Jasper grasped his chest where his heart would be located, as he pretended her rude remarks hurt his arrogant ego. "If anything you're being rude by not introducin' me to your lovely friend over here." Jasper stood up from the barrel of hay, and stepped closer to Emma. "What's your name, pretty lady?" Emma noticed the country accent the male had imprinted deep within his voice, but it only brought more questions to mind.

"Why didn't Belle have an accent?" she thought.

"None of your damn business." Emma snapped at the boy, which caused Belle to feel accomplished.

"Look what ya did, Eggy." Jasper pointed angrily at Belle.

The town they were in maintained a very small population, so during grade school Jasper was considered "popular" and he was never turned down by a girl when he hit on her. Jasper's term of "popular" was a synonym for "freak" in Emma's vocabulary.

"Eggy?" Emma blurted out without pre-thought. She was very tempted to laugh at the strange name, but she decided against doing so.

"Ah ya didn't tell her, did ya?" Jasper aggravated Belle with a smirk. "Didn't want all y'all New York pals to know how much of a dork ya really are?" The male wickedly laughed at the saddened brunette. She was easily hurt, especially by boys-but she usually kept her guard up.

"No I'm not embarrassed! After all, I beat you," the brunette replied with a cocky grin. Emma decided she would stay quiet, until someone gave her a formal explanation.

"You only won 'cause you cheated!"

"Sorry you're just a bitter loser, Jasper!"
Belle instigated the slightly annoying and cocky boy.

"Don't you think your friend wonders what we are talkin' 'bout?"

Belle sighed due to her necessary need for an explanation, and spoke. "When we were teenagers, there was a contest throughout town. The winner won $500 and I was really in need of money, so I joined. You had to toss eggs into a bucket without them smashing, and I obviously won!" Belle said with a cocky smirk.

"And now she's known 'round here as Eggy, or the famous Egg Tosser!"

Emma couldn't help but giggle at the childish and immature name, the "Egg Tosser."

"Teach her how to play!" Jasper pointed at Emma. Belle hesitantly grabbed Emma's arm and took her to the chicken coop; where they collected eggs and two buckets.

"Okay so you just toss them!" Belle excitedly yelled as she tossed a brown egg into the bucket. "Like that, you try!" Emma nodded in response as she grabbed an egg, and tossed it into the bucket. The egg quickly smashed as soon as it hit the bottom of the bucket, which caused the two girls to obnoxiously laugh at the failed attempt.

"Just keep trying! You have quite a few more left!" the brunette cheered Emma on as she tried multiple times. "We're going to be here for awhile," Belle whispered to Jasper.

"I know," he replied.

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