Tomoya | Our Graves

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Requested by Bishamonten2004
-sorry for the wait
-I can't make you cry, sorry...

※ I'll tell you this; just because I am on hiatus, it doesn't mean that I can't continue to update. You guys are just allowed to request on weekends, okay? But please don't put a load on me...

The thing I hate about the world, about how it works, is the fact that tragedy and disaster always strikes. Humans can't do anything but panic.

A lot of emotions flow in us. Anger, most especially. There's not much in this world. Death is just the end of it all.

Some of us, have a way of thinking. It puts us in the dark, where we are alone and satisfied. People say that they do not want to be left alone, some want peace to themselves. There is always a war that we fight, it's in our minds. There are battles and obstacles we conquer everyday.

Everywhere we go, secluded or not, time continues to flow. One may sleep for an eternity, and yet wake up to the same scene. We often complain that the time is too slow, or that the time goes too fast. Either way, death is still the end of it all.

We go through a tunnel to the afterlife, as some believe. There is a light at the end, possibly a gate as well. Death is inevitable. However, some of us are already dying inside.

"How are you doing?"

Everytime I check up on her, I'll always see her sleeping peacefully.
I know she won't talk back, of course. I just wish I can get to see her smile once again.

"I miss you."

A tear slips, but I don't bother to catch it.

Why, Y/n? We parted too soon.

People come and go. It's either they die and leave you, or they leave you and look for someone new.

"How are you doing?"

I ask him this everyday, but he doesn't reply. But I know that he's better off without me.

"I wonder if you can read my mind or something..."

Indeed, Tomoya, we parted too soon.

I'm sorry for everything that I've done.

I love you.

I'm desperate, I'm longing for your embrace. It's cold without you. I don't want to move on just yet. I want to stay where I am.

We're separated by a glass pane that cannot be broken. We can't see each other too. What's the use of it being here?

There's always a fire burning in me. Nobody can put it out. Only you can make it blaze stronger.

Don't distance yourself. I'm right here.

I know we haven't been through much, we don't even know each other that well. I wanted it to be us. You were selfish, but you were just hurt. You think that nobody understands you. I always caught you looking at me. They said you like me, you denied it. You know that I like you.

Time goes so fast...

I'm really sorry. I never meant to hurt you.

But let me ask you something; was your smile genuine?

The pain won't end. Death is just right around the corner.

You're not there anymore. How am I going to continue living?

It doesn't make any sense.
Why does death have to steal you from me?

But...I'm right here. Can't you see me?

"I'll be joining you soon..."


Tomoya! You don't have to do this! You have so much to live for...

Suicide is pointless.

I stare down at her grave.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. But I can't continue being lonely here without you. I'm already dead inside, anyway."

We slept beside each other. Our graves buried right next to each other.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Even in the afterlife, love exists.

The End.

A/N: I'm sorry! I'll try to make a better angst next time!

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