Hiroyuki | Hopeless Idiot

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*Female (kouhai/best friend) Reader

※ You will be a first year here.

"How and why did you even think that her husband is dead?"

"I don't know! Shut up!"

"No, you shut up! You're the idiot here!"

"Just stop, Y/n. He's hopeless."

Everyone knows it. By everyone, meaning Nekota and Y/n. They know that Inui is hopeless when it comes to love. Both girls don't have any chance with him either.

L/n Y/n is a first-year in Kashima Ryuichi's class. She's been childhood best friends with the two, who are second years.

"Tsk. He's like a growing boy, having trouble with love and women."

Right now, Nekota and Y/n watched their friend sulk in despair.

"Seriously. Just how long are you gonna keep sulking there?"

Let me give a recap of what happened.

The dumb Inui Hiroyuki has mistaken that Sawatori Yukari's husband is already in heaven. He goes to the Daycare Room to meet his 'future daughter' Midori. I bet you know the rest of the story.

Still and all, I have a bad feeling that Inui's encounter with Ryuichi will just get more complicated than what it is now.


Ah, my intuition was right.

After moving on from the Yukari incident, my poor and helpless friend has fallen in love yet again.

"What did you say? Inomata is her name?"

"Yeah. She's the prettiest girl I've ever seen."

Oh, goodness. He's in love again. I swear he's so dumb and oblivious.

However, I know the truth behind this scam. That woman was not Inomata but instead, it's my classmate Ryuichi , who crossdressed as a girl during the cultural festival. Even though I'm already a part of the Drama Club, I still had to do a little digging. Ah, well, it's Satoru's fault...

I take no part in this scenario, but my 'friend' is involved, so I have nothing else to do.

"It's okay, Nekota. Leave this to me."

The truth is, I can't handle this. I can't even deny the fact that I have an unfortunate crush on the idiot.

My plan is to stalk the redhead to see if he'll find out about the truth. I had to act now.

"Ryuichi, may I talk to you alone?"

"Y/n-san? Ah, sure thing."

It turns out that Ryuichi had a separate plan to clear up the misunderstanding. But alas, it failed. Ryuichi is too kind sometimes.
No, I must depend on him.

"Why?! And how did I fall in love with a boy?!?!"

Ryuichi just confessed straightforwardly. My hopeless idiotic friend was shocked beyond compare.

"Well, I have no choice but to leave you sulking here like a worthless man..."

"But still...why is he so pretty? The image can't get out of my mind!

Or so I thought...

I am now doubting my life choices.

"What are you gay?"

"What?! No, I'm not!"

But what if he's really gay? I have nothing against gay guys, but I guess I should just move on if that is the case. However, how will Nekota feel? I know she has a crush on Inui as well. What should I do now?

"Hey, Y/n. Can I talk to you for a bit?"

"What do you want, dumbass?"

I shouldn't be calling him that, but I'm just pissed off now. Well, of course, he's the kind to look for women that are up to his standards. With that said, Nekota puffed up her hair because Inui likes those kind of things. Geez, he doesn't even realize that there are some people out there who can appreciate him more than anyone else.

"I just want to say thank you."


"Even though I'm always stuck in my love fantasies, you're still there watching my back."

(Love Fantasy reminded me of Saiki Kusuo no Psi Nan...ah Season 2 is amazin-goo!)

I can't understand him. Technically, I don't understand boys.

"Not just you, even Nekota. Thank you both so much."

Oh, well. I'm left speechless.

"Shut up. I don't deserve your thanks. Unlike you, I'm an even more hopeless idiot. If I really love that someone, I'd let him go."

"Wait, you have a crush on someone?"

"Way to ruin the mood."

Should I just wait until he realizes? Maybe. But since I love him, I'll let him go. If we're meant to be together, he'll come back to me.

I turn my back and walk away.

"Good luck to you, Hiroyuki."

To Be Continued...

A/N: Forgive me for I am a slightly evil author. However, I will make the sequel soon!

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