Ryuichi | Cold Shoulder

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Requested by UltimateNosebleed
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※ I noticed that a lot of people have been requesting Ryuichi and Hayato......


I guess I cry too much. Often I am upset. But whatever. The world doesn't care about me and I don't care about the world. My damaged heart can only take so much.

After my parents died, I've been hiding away in my room. Good thing that I didn't go through any kind of rebellious phase. However, that's not what my butler insists.

"Young Master, I have sweets to relieve your stress-"

(※ Young Master = Bocchan)


I'm pretty sure he just wants me to get out. But I can't. The only person who can make me g-

"Y/n, open the door. Now."


"The Kashima brothers are going to arrive soon. Fix yourself and greet them."


It hasn't been a week yet...I can't even go to school yet...I didn't even go to the funeral! Argh, I'm such a horrible daughter!

But all things considered, it's a good thing that grandma understands.

Reality just has to hit me in the face with a sack of potatoes. I have to go back to face society. And school.


"The chairman has only one family member left. However, she is still heartbroken because of the plane crash."

The chairwoman's granddaughter wasn't like I imagined. I didn't expect this.

Disheveled clothes, slightly tousled hair, reddish eyes with dark circles under, slumped stature, and lastly, a frowny face.

"Ryuichi-sama, Kotaro-sama, this is the Young Master, Y/n."

"Hello, I'm Kashima Ryuichi. This is my brother Kotaro. If I may, I off-"

"Let me stop you there. You needn't offer your condolences nor anything else. Good day, Kashima."

Seems like she took after the chairwoman. That means they're both a bit harsh on the outside, but truthfully loving and caring on the inside.

Despite the fact that she gave me the cold shoulder yesterday, I noticed that she acts different around other people. She's smiling and happy. There's a different spark in her (e/c) eyes.

Time passes by like that, which brings us to high school. Up until now, she's still giving me the cold shoulder, all the while being happy with her friends.

I can't let this go on. I have to find out what's bothering her.


I sat at the farthest window seat in my classroom like the plain old protagonist that I am, reading a book as usual.

"Hey, Y/n, some Kashima Ryuichi from the other class is looking for you."

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