Yoshihito | Damage Control

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*Female (Adult) Reader

※ It started to dawn on me that all of my other books are a failure...I pray that this one will somehow be a success...

If there's one thing that L/n Y/n hates, it is disorder. And right now, that is what's happening in the daycare room.

The kids are crying. Kotaro is daydreaming. Ryuichi is suffering. And most annoyingly, Usaida is once again sleeping. He's practically hibernating. But all things considered, you can't get mad in front of the kids.

"Everyone! I'm here!"


So instead she puts on a happy face for them.
Raging out could all but be avoided.

"Oi, Usaida. Get up."

Actually, Y/n can cause injuries if she kicks someone. Yeah, she's that strong. So instead, she nudges the man with her foot.

L/n Y/n only takes the day shift in the daycare, afterwards, she leaves for her noon-time jobs. It has been established that she is a manager in her afternoon works.
Thus, control-freak.

(Another realization: I'm a pretty sad excuse for an author...)

"Ah, Y/n-chan. Good morning~"

"Shut up, Usaida. And don't just go around calling me by my first name!"

Albeit staying part-time, the woman still works hard as possible in the daycare. For sakes, it's helping Ryuichi take some weight off his shoulders.

"Now, now. Don't cry, Kazuma."

In Usaida's view, he knows that Y/n has no experience in child-care. He knows because they were in the same boat before. But basically, women have a natural instinct for doting on a cute, tiny, crying and pooping-machine. Or...something like that. He would know.

"Y/n acts like a mom sometimes."

In Y/n's case, Usaida's sleepiness implies that he may or may not be an irresponsible adult. But it's not like she cares. His life isn't any of her business. She doesn't want anything to do with someone who has no certainty in their goals...and someone who sleeps a lot.

"Get off my lap!"

"Shh. You'll wake Midori-chan."

There's only one thing that Y/n wants to know- why is she getting attached?

Being an alumnus from the academy, she's seen him a few time back then. He had short hair too.

Right now, it's still morning. Ryuichi went to class, so that means, Y/n and Usaida are the only ones in the daycare.

(A/N: I just want to inform you people about my situation right now as I am writing this. It is February 10, 2018. It's 10:18 PM. I am now in the living room, watching Saiki Kusuo No Psi Nan in the dark. Sorry to ruin the mood...)

Thankfully, everyone is playing fine. Everything is in order. All except for pink-haired Usaida over here.

Y/n can only get one benefit from his sleeping- a placid atmosphere. The disadvantage of this situation is that he is sleeping on her lap. When someone sleeps on her lap, Y/n becomes frozen. The story behind this is that she used to own a cat. She hates to move because it might wake up.

"Usaida's like a cat sometimes..."

Although it's annoying, it's rude to wake him up just like that. The least she could do is let him sleep in peace.
Who knows what'll happen when someone wakes him...
The least she could do is try to control the possible damage. After all, controlling is what she does best.

A few hours later, Ryuichi came at lunchtime and helped to feed the kids. After that, they were all asleep. Kotaro and Y/n were the only ones awake.

"Kotaro, I have a secret to tell you. Promise me you won't tell anyone?"


"I think...I'm in love with Yoshihito Usaida."

The End.


"Y/n-chan, you're so bossy..."

"Huh?! What did you say?!"

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