Chapter 15: Quit being an old perv.

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Chapter 15: "Quit being an old perv."

  I just sat there with my mouth wide open. I saw Kakashi drop his book out of his hands from the corner of my eye.

"You gonna say something or you just gonna sit there and let flies make their way in your mouth!" Sasuke yelled.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura made her way to Sasuke and encircled him into a tight and uncomfortable hug. "Are you gonna be okay! Here let's go back to your room so you can relax." She started to led him back but he threw her of him while screaming the words, 'No!'

"I just wanna eat I'm starving. I smelled food I want food!" He whined. This is a part of Sasuke you don't get to see.

I remembered that I also woke up to the luxurious smell of breakfast. "Wait! If we're all in here, then who's in their cooking the food."

"I am." All of our heads turned to the entrance where a middle aged man stood, who I'm guessing is the butler. He was plump around the belly area, but every where else was average size.

"Who the hell are you?" Sasuke asked rudely, taking a seat beside me and resting his head in his hand.

"I am the butler. My name is... Hibichi!"

"It's nice to meet you, my name is Naruko Senju! Thank you for your help!"

"No need for the thanks! I am glad to help anyone." He walked over in my direction. "Especially if it means to help and beautiful young lady like you." Then he bowed.

I blushed at the compliment. Sasuke sat up. "Back of you bozo, she's too young for you and you know it! Quit being an old perv!" He snapped.

Kakashi cleared his throat, Sakura let out a gasp, and  Naruto... he was uh, back to sleep.

Hibichi knotted his eyebrows, and leaned in as if he was challenging Sasuke, and you know how Sasuke never dismisses a challenge so he leans in also."

I laughed nervously, "Sorry about his uh, rudeness. He's not feeling well and he tends to not think bout what he is saying, due to his condition."

"I mean everything that I'm saying, cause this per-"

"O-kay!" Kakashi interrupted. "How about that delicious breakfast you were fixing earlier. I can't wait to see what you made us!" Kakashi did in his fake enthusiastic tone.

  Once Hibichi left the room all eyes -that were open- went to Sasuke. He looked up from where he was glancing- which was the swirly designs on the table-and gave us all a careless glance.

"What?" Then he rose a brow.

"Nothing." We all just forgot about his recent action and waited impatiently on what ever Hibichi was cooking.




"Naruko your a medical ninja, go see what's wrong with him." Sakura slightly demanded.

"No I'm not! I'm a medical ninja in training!"

"Naruko you knew what I mean."

" Naruko, Sakura's right. Your the only person who has the most medical experience. You can go see what's wrong with him." Kakashi reasoned.

We head lagging footsteps behind us. "Hey." We turned to the voice to see Naruto, sliding his feet across the floor to get here.

"Sakura, I thought you said you put him in the bed!"

"I did! He just got back up again." She defended.

Book I: Complications -§- (NarukoxSasuke) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now