Chapter 25: I Need To Be Strong...Even Though I'm Expecting The Worst

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Recap: Brandon and Aliya take a few minutes to talk, when they get back they go into her Aunt and Uncles house where Aliya finds the courage to ask Brandon if he’s going to return to Afghanistan.

What’s going to happen when everyone finds out the answer to that one question that they all want to know the answer to?

Will it mean good things are yet to come, or will there be some rough patches?

Let’s find out!

(Aliya’s Point of View)

“Brandon, are you going back?” I asked. As soon as those five words left my mouth I regretted even saying them! I didn’t really want to hear him say that he has to leave again! It hurt too much these last two times! I mean knowing that there could be a possibility that the last few minutes we spend with each other at the airport could very well be the last time I touch, kiss or be near him kill me. I love him so much it hurts!

Now that I have Gavin I have to be strong no matter what comes out of his mouth even if it’s something I really don’t want to hear! I guess that’s what I get for falling in love with a Marine, but I wouldn’t change it because I’ve never been happier in my entire life! We created an amazing little boy, and now we’re going to get married.

Yes things are in the reverse order as far as the marriage and baby thing, but I don’t care it happens, and we all make mistakes! May I add it was the best thing to ever happen in my life! I’m so glad that I have Gavin and Brandon by my side to help me through tough times and good times! I’ve got the most precious little family ever!

As I came back from my thoughts I looked over at Brandon to see that he was looking down and sighing. Uh-oh this can’t be a good thing! I better brace myself!

(Brandon’s Point of View)

I looked down and sighed but then thought about everything thing that my commanding officer said to me earlier. I looked up and smiled grabbing her hand! Trying to show her that things could only get better from here on out, but the look on her face gave me the impression that she was expecting the worst news to leave my mouth!

When in fact everything was quite the opposite of what she was thinking!

“No! I’m done! I’m not ever going back to Afghanistan!” when that left my mouth she had a huge smile, but then it faded rather quickly. She looked down and let a breath out.

“Why aren’t you going back?”

“I was honorably discharged Lee!”

She looked down. “I’m sorry babe, I didn’t mean t-.” I interrupted.

“Yes it was hard at first but now that means we can start our life together, and have more babies!”

(Aliya’s Point of View)

I smiled because of how excited he was just thinking about us possibly having another baby, even though I had just had one three days ago. It was so sweet that he was already planning everything out for us. I mean he had the time spaced out between kids, but I think we’ll have to discuss that one because it sounds like he wants a lot of kids!

“Babe we’ll have more I promise! I want Gavin to at least be two before we have another one!” he smiled and stroked my hand gently with his thumb.

“I just want to be here for the next one and help you through it all!”

(Brandon’s Point of View)

It really was difficult hearing that Aliya had gone through all of that without me by her side! I just don’t want to miss it again, that was a horrible feeling knowing that I couldn’t be there for her or my baby!

Hopefully the next time we’ll know she’s pregnant and she’ll actually be the way pregnant women are supposed to be! With her large stomach and super weird cravings, and multiple mood swings! Then we’d know for sure she’s pregnant! I’m not saying all women are that way when they become pregnant, it’s just what I’ve heard.

I guess I’ll find out in two years!

Sorry it’s a short chapter!

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