Chapter 3; The Sound of His Sweet Voice

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Not to long after Josh had finished that comforting phrase I heard our house phone start to ring! I pulled away from Josh and practically ran over to the phone, but picked it up hesitantly, because I didn't want to get my hopes up if it wasn't Brandon. After I picked up the phone i placed it to my ear and spoke softly.


"hey beautiful!"

When i heard his voice it felt like everything was okay, and nothing could bring me down! After not hearing his voice for two months I thought I had lost him!

Tears streamed down my face as my hand flew to my mouth in a split second because i was so happy and surprised! After the shock had subsided I spoke in a soft tone.


"I miss you so much Lee! I'm sorry i didn't call earlier!

I got lost in the moment as i heard him say "Lee" then I thought back on how I had been given that name by Brandon. I thought back to that night.

We were laying on the couch watching a movie. My head was in his lap, so he began to twirl my long brunette waves with his fingers. As he was twirling my hair i began to drift off but soon his soothing voice brought me out of my trance.


I looked up at him and smiled as i spoke in a whisper

"Lee? I like that, anyway what's up babe?"

"I was wondering if you were ready for bed?"

I smiled and slowly sat up

"of course"

I then realized that my trance had lasted about 2 seconds, and i quickly snapped out of it.

"it's okay, just as long as I get to hear your voice it doesn't matter! I got your present!

"you did? Did you like it?"

I smiled at the questions he shot at me.

"No! I don't like it, I love it! Did you really mean it? I mean everything in the letter?

"Yes! I meant every single thing in that letter, and when I get home I plan on fullfiling that promise!

Tears were on the brim of my eyes, as i answered him.

"I love you sooo much, I wish I was in your arms! So you could tell me that everything will be okay!

He spoke soft and in a comforting tone.

"I know babe I wish I could hold you in my arms and make everything okay! I have to go baby, I love you!"

Tears threatened to leave my eyes again as i heard those last words

"okay. I love you please stay safe and come home!"

"I will. I love you so much Lee!"

"I love you too!"

After I had said those three little words I heard a click and he was gone. Tears just kept falling from my eyes as I replayed our short five minuet conversation in my head over and over again. Finally I was able to move from the spot next to the phone and make my way upstairs to our room.

When i entered the room i went to our closet and pulled on jeans and a t-shirt, with one of Brandon's hoodies.

Everyone was staring at me, so I grabbed my keys and walked out the door! I just needed sometime to think and not have people constantly checking on me to make sure I'm okay! I drove to the spot where Brandon and I had met and just sat there thinking about all the good times we've had together. After sitting there for a half-an-hour I drove back to the house.

As soon as I walked in the house I walked to the living-room and plopped on the couch. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, and as soon as i opened them i saw Michelle staring at me.

"Aliya, what's going on? You just walked out of the house without saying anything!

I just stared at here as she looked me over from head to toe

"are you wearing Brandon's clothes?"

I took a deep breath and spoke in a hushed tone


"why" she asked as if she'd never seen me in his clothes.

"I always do!"

"Again why?"

I just didn't want to have an argument over this so i just gave here the simplest answer that came to mind.


Before I knew it I heard a deep voice from behind me!

Mom! STOP, she can wear his clothes if she wants to it's not a crime! Just give her some space!

Michelle became angered and she looked at me with a glare.

"Why are you wearing his clothes?"

I finally had enough of it and i didn't want to argue over something so stupid and small. I finally just yelled.

"Its a comfort thing okay!"

Tears filled my eyes as Josh pulled me into a light hug.

"Mom stop! You got your answer now leave her alone! This is hard for her, and you're not making it any easier!"

Michelle finally snapped

"and you think this is easy for me?"

Josh snapped back

"I know it's hard for everyone but,-

I had finally had enough of the arguing over me wearing a hoodie so i screamed.

"Josh stop! Please....I'll just go upstairs and change!"

I walked into our room and pulled off my clothes as i stepped into the hot shower, just letting the water fall against my skin. How could my day go from being completely amazing to a fight over his hoodie?

This was the first time his mom has ever spoken to me like that, and to be quite honest what would happen if she heard the conversation that me and Brandon had ppreviously?

Just the way she said it, i mean it's like he was gone and wasn't coming could she lose faith in her son like that...the tone in her voice just told me that she gave up on him and was basically already planning his funeral in her head!

Little did she know she'd have a big wake-up call in about two weeks....



MESSAGE me and tell me what you think about this story....tell me if i should add something or if im missing anything... i'm also open for any ideas you guys have!

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