Chapter 20: My Sweet Angel....Waiting For Daddy To Come Home Too!

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Recap: After Josh takes Aliya to the hospital a Doctor comes in and finally gives her the answer. Of course she’s completely shocked and doesn’t think the Doctor is sane. Aliya’s told that she is about to have a baby! After about an hour of being in the hospital she gives birth to a baby boy!

How will she tell Brandon?

How will she cope with being a single mother until Brandon returns?

Let’s find out

(Aliya’s Point of View)

A half-an-hour later Josh walked in and smiled at me. I’d never seen him this way before it was amazing. One thing’s for sure he’d definitely be a great husband! He’s taken care of me from day one since Brandon and I have been separated. I could never thank him enough for what he’s done these last few months! I couldn’t have found a more perfect boyfriend with an amazing family that supports us through everything, well except his mother!

(Josh’s Point of View)

I can’t believe that I’m an Uncle! None of us even knew that this was going to happen, and it’s so amazing that in one night I’m told that Aliya had a miscarriage and then we turn around and she has a beautifully healthy little boy! I have a surprise for her and my brand new nephew, I’m sure she’ll love it.

“Congrats mommy!” I hear Josh say as he walks over to the bed. When I looked at him he held his iPhone up and dialed someone’s number.

When I looked up I saw the man that I loved with tears streaming down his face as he saw me and his beautiful little boy sitting right in front of him!

“I love you!” he said as he smiled. I smiled as I responded “I love you too….surprise!”

Brandon had the biggest smile on his face I’ve ever seen. “Surprise is right, Lee I thought you had a miscarriage?” Josh interrupted “So did the doctors, but she was actually going into labor and she carried this little gut to full term without even knowing it!”

Brandon still had his big huge grin, it seemed as if you’d have to remove it with a chizzle and hammer later on after we were done having this conversation.

“WOW, I’m a daddy!” he exclaimed obviously still in just as much shock as I was as I got told that I was having a baby tonight. I was so happy to see Brandon’s face, usually his voice in enough to comfort me, but for some reason going through all of this and just hearing his voice just wasn’t enough. Going through all of this, and then seeing his face and bright smile made everything amazing! It felt as if he was right there next to me through it all!

We had talked for a while, and then it popped into my head, “Brandon, what are we going to name him?” I asked nervously thinking that I might end up choosing a name for our baby by myself. Luckily when I looked up Brandon was smiling as if he already had a name chosen, then he finally spoke.

“Gavin James Black!” I smiled. “Brandon, I love it!”

After we had successfully named our baby, we said our tearful goodbyes and hung up.

(Aliya’s Point of View)

I’m officially a mommy to the most beautiful baby boy that I didn’t even know I created with Brandon. Then it hit me, I don’t have anything ready for a baby! I don’t have a car seat, clothes, or anything ready to bring him home! What am I going to do?

I looked at Josh. “Josh, I don’t have anything for a baby! I don’t have clothes, car seat, or even a crib!” Josh smiled that mischievous smile as he took his little nephew from my arms and sat in the chair that was on the left side of my bed. I smiled wishing it was Brandon holding Gavin instead of Josh, but it wasn’t! I knew that it’d happen soon though!

“Josh, what am I going to do? I wasn’t prepared for any of this!” I let out a breath, kind of stressing out and worried that my son would have absolutely nothing!

He smiled again as he looked at Gavin who was sleeping in his arms the he looked back at me “Don’t worry, I- uh brought in some recruits!”

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door and his girlfriend and a few of her friends walked in with their arms loaded full of stuff for Gavin. I smiled and watched as one would leave and come back with more arms full of things! Erika walked over and looked at me with a wide smile on her face, this was the first time we had ever really gotten along! She looked at me and asked if she could hold Gavin. I gladly agreed and Josh stood up as she sat down and he gently placed him in her arms.

She looked down and smiled at him with tears glistening in her eyes as she spoke softly. “I’m so sorry; if I were you I would’ve done the same thing if it were Josh that was gone and not Brandon! It took me a while, but I think I finally understand.” I smiled “It’s okay.”

She smiled at me and called Josh over, “Josh?” “Yeah?” she smiled as he walked over to her, I think he wants his mommy!”

Josh picked him up from Erika’s arms and gently laid him in mine. I smiled down at Gavin as he opened his eyes and blinked a couple times falling asleep just a second later. I looked at Josh again “Josh do I have a car seat to take him home in?”

Erika got up from the chair and walked over by the door lifting a brown car seat with powder blue dots. I smiled at her. “Erika it’s so cute, that’s the one I would’ve picked out! How’d you know?” “I guessed, but the other ones were too plain and boring, so I picked this one! Oh and your crib will be up by tomorrow when you two get home!”

I looked at Josh and Erika both “Thanks! Without you two I’d be completely lost and wouldn’t know what to do at all!” Erika smiled “That’s what we’re here for! Plus you saying that you need us is a big step, because that just shows us how much you really need and love Brandon.

I nodded. “I can’t wait for him to come home!”

A couple days later both Gavin and I were released from the hospital...

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