Chapter 9: You Left!....This Is The Time When I Needed You The Most!

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Recap: Aliya and Brandon spend their last night together....the next day they say good-bye and he leaves for Afghanistan for the remainder of his tour. As he boards the plane Aliya discovers something that could be life changing!

On with the story:

I was still colapsed on the floor with Julie right beside me as I stuttered.

"I-I-I- m-might b-be p-pre-pregnant!" I choked out. Julie looked at me with a confused look on her face "What do you mean?"

I cried and then spoke again "Brandon left and I could be pregnant!" I sobbed uncontrollably after I finished that sentence, then Julie spoke "Sweetie not to be nosey but when did you-" i was still crying as I choked out my answer "Last night! Oh my god I can't do this without him!"

Julie sat on the floor with me and comforted me "Honey breathe, if you are I'm gonna help you! It happened to me when Jonathan left for his third tour! It'll be about four weeks before you find out, so until then call me if you need anything okay?" she whiped my tears and helped me up off the floor I smiled "Okay thank you"

She hugged me "You're more than welcome sweetie, go home and get some rest!" I smiled and hugged her again "Okay."

We then parted ways.

I drove home and walked into an empty, quiet, and lonely house! I plopped on the couch and turned on the t.v. to forget about everything that happened today!

Watching Brandon board that plane, and the possiblity of me being pregnant and him not being here tore me in half.


It's been exactly four weeks since Brandon's been gone! Since then I've been waking up feeling sick! So today I'm gonna go buy a test, and figure out if I'm really pregnant or not!

I haven't had the courage to tell our families so for now this is gonna be between me, and Julie.

I called Julie and asked if she'd come to the store with me, and then back to the house and find out if Brandon and I are gonna be parents. After the store I had Julie fallow me back to the house.

I pulled in the drive way and got out...I couldn't move I was paralyzed with fear!

Julie had gotten out of her car and walked over to me putting an arm around my shoulder, she smiled softly! After that I slowly walked to the door, slowly unlocking it and walking upstairs to our bedroom.

I threw my jacket on the bed, along with my purse, I sat there just not wanting to move from my bed! A few minuets later Julie came in and put her hand on my shoulder and she spoke in a soft comforting tone "Sweetie I know you're scared but you're gonna have to find out sooner or later!"

I sighed "I know but I'm so scared!" Julie smiled "I know sweetie! But just think about how happy Brandon will be when you tell him that you're gonna have a baby!"

I smiled at the thought but then it faded "But what if he's not happy, and he leaves me?" Julie sighed and made me look at her "Honey if he loves you, he won't leave! And I'm here for you no matter what happens! Now let's see if you're gonna be a mommy!"

I smiled and got up "Okay."

I grabbed the small box and walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I took the box and read the back of it, it said that you have to wait five minuets after you take it! After sitting there for a few seconds i decided to get it over with!

I took the test and waited. I had set it on the counter and set myself on the edge of the tub. I was so scared of what that test was gonna say when I turned it over and looked at it!

I had timed the five minuets and they were up! So I got up and walked over to the counter and slowly turned the test over! When I saw the results I began to cry uncontrollably. I picked up the test and walked out of the bathroon and over to Julie, she saw my face and hugged me!

She took the test and read it. She gave it back to me and I just stared and that one little life changing word, "PREGNANT"!

I felt sick to my stomach so I ran to the bathroom, and ended up puking! Julie came in and held my hair, and patted my back! When I was done I brushed my teeth and changed into sweatpants!

I had walked downstairs and sat on the couch just thinking about how much my life was gonna change, along with Brandon's! I looked up and saw Julie. Being the supportive person she is she smiled at me and spoke in a soft tone

"It'll be okay honey!" I sighed "What am I gonna do? How am I gonna do this without the person who really cares about me?" I cried but she comforted me again "Sweetie you have family and friends along with me that will support you!"

I knew what she said was true but it was still hard excepting this "I just wish Brandon was here Julie!" i said speaking how I truly felt about this situation.

Yet again she re-assured me "I know honey and I'm sure he wishes he was here too, but he's not! You need to realize he may not be here physically but he'll always be in your heart! You two love each other and that's all that matters and don't let anyone ever tell you any different!"

I smiled "I know he loves me but, I never thought this would happen! He's gonna miss the majority of my pregnancy! When he comes home I'll be close to seven months!" Julie put a hand on my shoulder and spoke soft "That may be true but at least he'll be here for the birth!"

She always knew what to say and yet again she made me smile "I guess you're right!"

A couple hours later Julie left leaving me to think about how everything is gonna change!

How was I gonna tell Brandon that I was pregnant, when he's half way around the world! I guess I'd just have to tell him the only way I could, and that would be the next time he calls!

This was definitely not the way I pictured telling the man I love that I was pregnant! A half-an-hour later my phone rang...I picked it up...


"Hey beautiful!"

Tears instantly fell from my cheeks as I heard his voice on the receiver. I guess now would be better than any other time, because who knows when he'll be able to call me again! I whiped my tears and spoke soft, almost in a whisper...

"B-Brandon, I need to tell you s-something!" I said as the tears fell continuously from my eyes.

Brandon spoke with concern clear in his voice "Okay? Babe what's wrong you sound really upset!?!?"

I closed my eyes and sighed "B-Brandon, I-I'm pregnant!" I finally let out the breath I guess I didn't know I was holding.

Brandon seemed shocked when he spoke "What? When?

Tears still fell as I tried to answer "The night before you left!" "But that means you're-"

I let out another breath and answered with a shakey voice "three and-a-half weeks!"

"Lee! I'm so sorry baby! I never meant for it to happen like this!" There was concern and sympathy clear in his voice as he spoke.

I mean of course he would be sorry....I'm pregnant and he's fighting for his life so he can come home in six months.


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