Chapter 17: I Don't Know What to Do! All I Can Say is Worst. Pain. Ever.

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Recap: Josh leaves Aliya alone for a couple of hours because he gets called into work, even though she doesn’t want to be alone Aliya encourages him to go. A couple hours later Michele and Paul find Aliya crying hysterically in her kitchen. After a few minutes Josh comes in and calms Aliya, and then she ends up blurting everything out!

How will they take the news…more importantly how will Michele take the news? And what’s going to happen to Aliya in the next few weeks because of the miscarriage? Lets find out now! J


(Aliya’s Point of View)

After crying for several minutes I finally looked up at Josh and whispered “Josh it hurts! Please make the pain stop, I don’t know what to do!” he picked me up off the floor “Did you take a bath?” he questioned, I nodded.

“I keep having really bad cramps, and my back hurts! I looked down at my leg because it felt like something was trickling down it, I panicked and looked at Josh as my breathing became extremely shaky. “J-Josh, there’s something running down my leg!” I said in a worried tone.

Josh looked down and saw clear liquid running down my leg, he looked at me “It’s probably just fluid from this miscarriage sweetie.” I calmed down a little bit, because I trusted him, I mean if he thought something would’ve been seriously wrong he would’ve told me to go back to the hospital!

Just as soon as he finished his sentence more of the clear liquid ran down my legs. Josh looked at me very puzzled as to what was going on with my body!

I was scared out of my mind because of everything that was happening, my breathing had become shaky, I was sweaty and my heart was pounding so hard in my chest, I pretty sure Brandon could hear it! When I spoke my voice was just as shaky as my breathing was.

“J-Josh, w-what’s h-ha-happening?”

(Aliya’s Point of View)

Just as he was about to answer a severe pain shot through my body and my lower stomach so I grabbed my stomach and fell to the floor! On top of that I had a severe pain in my lower back! This was the worst thing I had ever felt in my life! The pain was excruciating and I wanted it to be over with, but how do I stop it???

(Josh’s Point of View)

What the hell is going on with Aliya? I have absolutely no clue what to do, except tell her about some things that’ll help her with the cramps she’s experiencing. This poor girl has been through a lot in the last ten hours I’ve been with her! First she gets told that she lost the baby, and now she’s having severe cramps, and back aches! I’m so lost as to what’s going on with her body, I mean some of it’s normal, but some of it’s not. One thing is for sure, if this gets any worse, I’m taking her back to the hospital, because my brother would kill me if I let anything happen to her!

“Can you help me to the bathroom? I’m gonna take a bath again and maybe I can get rid of some of these cramps!” he smiled “Sure sweetie.”

Josh helped me to the bathroom and started the water, filling up the tub with hot steamy water. After that he left the room so I could be by myself. I slid into the tub and sat there for a while. Then it happened again. I was nailed with the worst pain I’ve ever felt! I couldn’t hold it in and I screamed because it hurt so much. Again I ended up screaming for the only person I knew could help me at this point and time, Josh!

“JOSH HELP ME!” I said as more pain radiated through my body. Minutes later he ran in and saw the pained look on my face. “How bad is it this time sweetie?” he questioned as he positioned himself on the edge of the tub.

I looked at him and shook my head because I could talk…seconds later I choked out what I needed to before another wave of pain came over me. “It hurts so much Josh!” he sighed.

“Let’s get you out of the tub so you can get dressed. I’m taking you back to the hospital!” I shook my head refusing. “NO! I’m not going back! Please you’re a doctor, just help me!” I begged and pleaded. “Honey this is beyond my knowledge and I don’t know what I can do.” “Please.” I begged again but he just shook his head and picked me up carrying me out the door and placing me in the passenger seat of his car.

The ride to the hospital was completely silent even though I wanted to scream because of all the pain I was feeling at the moment. When we got to the hospital Josh helped me out of the car and took me inside. They admitted me and I was being examined.

When the nurse started checking me over, she checked me to see if I was still bleeding, because Josh had told them why I had been previously been admitted just hours ago.

When she checked, she ran out of the room, and came back in with a team of nurses and doctors behind her!

Okay guys, I know you’re probably wondering how this will all play out, but I have a plan don’t worry! Just like in my previous chapter I said that it only gets better from here! I have a lot more planned and have been writing more and more each day, to add as I go! I’m so happy some of you have stuck around and read this from the very first chapter! I appreciate each and every one of you for taking time to read this, it means A LOT. Bear with me and just stay with me as we get through these next few chapters. I would also like to select a cast for this story, but I don’t know who to put in it? If you have any suggestions, let me know!  Also next chapter will have Michele and Paul's point of view's with everything thats going on! just thought i'd let you know. We really haven't got to hear there thoughts about all of this, especially Pauls, so I thought why don't we hear what they have to say. We know Aliya and Michele haven't been the best of friends in the past, because she feels as if Aliya is stealing Brandon away from her, though Brandon feel as if she's suffocating their relationship and holding them back from what they really want.

One big thing is, is Michele willing to except Aliya, or will Aliya have to try and win her over? Even though Brandon has told her countless times to just leave it be, she can't! She feels that if Brandon and her have any chance at moving forward with anything, she needs to make ammends with with Michele, who could either




I don't know about you, but if I was any of them I'd hope for the best and just pray that she'd want  the first option!

-Thanks ~K~

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