Chapter 8; Goodbye Again? I Give You Everything, Yet You Still Leave Me!

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Recap: Brandon and Aliya have some alone time!

A couple hours after we ate we decided that we should probably go get some groceries so went to the store. About an hour later we walked back in the house and put the groceries away and plopped on the couch.

We just laid there and talked for hours upon hours, becuase Brandon would be leaving for six months until he came home in July!

He held me close to him comforting me because I had realized that he'd be leaving me again! I had tears flowing and he gently wiped them away with his thumb as he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine.

His lips were soft and warm like always! He kissed me hungrily and picked me up off the couch, I instantly wrapped my legs around his waist, as he carried me upstairs to our bedroom!

When we got there he pinned me against the door causing it to slam! After that he had locked it and carried me to our bed! He had pulled my shirt off throwing it to the floor. After he did that I helped him take his shirt off!

Not even two minuets later we were laying in bed with each other.

Brandon was hovering over me trailing kisses from my jaw line to my shoulder! With every kiss he trailed I was left with chills, and tigling down my spine! Brandon stopped kissing me and looked in my eyes as he whispered "Are you sure Lee?"

I looked in his eyes and spoke "I've never been more sure in my life!" i said with a smile on my lips. Brandon looked at me as he leaned close to my ear and whispered "Okay. Just telll me if you want to stop, I don't want to hurt you Lee!" I smiled at how concerned he was " I will Brandon!"

Brandon leaned down and kissed me passionately and then stared in my eyes. We shared the most passionate kisses we've ever had!

For the next two hours, it was like our bodies were melted together and became one! It was the most amazing thing that I've ever experienced and probably ever will!

I know that I'm glad it was out first time! But more importantly I'm glad that I did it with the man I love!

The next morning I was woken up by Brandon moving a strand of hair out of my face and stroking my cheek! I opened my eyes to see Brandon smiling at me. I leaned up and pecked his lips getting out of bed taking the sheet with me so I could get in the shower.

After I was done showering I walked out of the bathroom and to our closet to get dressed, while Brandon showered. I had put on a pair of jeans with a t-shirt and one of Brandon's hoodies on along with my boots,

Brandon walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist! He walked over to our closet and began to put his uniform on.

After he got dressed he walked over to the bed and sat down lacing his boots. He had forgot his jacket so I walked in our closet and pulled it off the hanger and held it!

I walked back out with tears in my eyes as i handed it to him! He took it and tossed it on the bed pulling me into his chest and comforting me. I laid my head on his chest as he stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head!

An hour later we were at the airport waiting for his flight to be called.

A few minuets later we looked around to see that we were surrounded by more troops with their families saying good-bye!

Ten minuets later his flight was called... Before Brandon walked away he kissed me with all of his passion and wiped my tears whispering in my ear!

"I love you baby girl, I'll see you in six months okay! I'll call as much as I can. I love you soooo much!" tears fell as he whispered these words...I finally choked out what I needed too "I love you too! Stay safe and come home soon! I love you!"

Brandon whispered "I love you too baby, I have to go!"

He kissed me one last time before he turned to board the plane. Tears flowed uncontrollably as I watched him walk on the plane!

All of a sudden my knees gave out and I dropped to the floor!

One of the women that had just said good-bye to her husband rushed over to me and comforted me as she told me her name...Julie.

She spoke in a whisper "Sweetie are you alright? Is this the first time you've said good-bye to him?"

I shook my head and buried my face in my hands as I realized something and just cried more! Julie looked at me and and put her her hand on mine...

"Sweetie what's wrong?" I got teary eyed and looked at her as more tears fell. She just spoke in a comforting tone "Sweeite whatever it is I'll help you get through it!"

I looked at her then fianlly had the courage to choke the words out "I-I-I..."


I'm so sorry I haven't updated lately! hopefully you enjoy!

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