Chapter 15: One voice I had been longing to hear, but dreading??

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Recap: Aliya lost the baby, and now she’s trying to figure out how to deal with it since Brandon’s gone, and how to deal with telling him that she’s miscarried. Will she figure out how to deal everything, when she feels like the one person she needs is away from her, and won’t be returning for a length of time????

Well let’s find out what happens!!!

(Alya’s Point of View)

I had eventually cried myself to sleep, with Josh comforting me. When I woke up the next morning I could smell food, and for some reason it just didn’t agree with me at all…I immediately ran to the bathroom and puked.

When I walked into the kitchen I found josh making breakfast for us. He turned and smiled at me. I just sat at the table and put my head in my hands as the tears began to fall uncontrollably!

Josh immediately stopped cooking and came over to me wrapping his arms around me.

All I kept thinking was ‘God this hurts so bad! I just want the pain to stop, but I know it never will!’

I sat there at the table just crying and oddly enough Josh sat right there with me, watching me cry and trying to comfort me as much as he possibly could, even though he knew I needed one thing, that I couldn’t have, Brandon!

An hour later we were still in the same place, I had stopped the tears long enough to choke down some breakfast and a glass of orange juice. Josh and I held a short conversation, which to me felt like it dragged on for hours upon hours!

A few minutes later the phone rang. I answered with a shaky voice. “H-Hello?”

And that’s when I heard the one person I had been longing to hear, but dreading at the same time! If that’s even possibly when you love them unconditionally!

“Hey how are my babies today?” he questioned.

When I heard his voice I instantly started crying and I got up running to the living room, not making it far and sliding down the wall that connects the living room and the kitchen, pulling my knees into my chest.

I could hear his voice coming over the receiver calling my name out. Josh with phone in hand looked at me and I shook my head whispering “No! Please, I can’t!” he then took the phone further into the living room sitting down on the couch, and started talking to his brother and asking how he was.

A few minutes later he cleared his throat and took a deep breath, that’s when I knew he was going to break the news to Brandon!

I just sat there against the wall waiting for him to say it, then I heard his voice crack as he spoke:

“Brandon, there’s something I have to tell you!” he cleared his throat again.

“Brandon…Lee- Lee-, I found her on the couch last night after she called me. She passed out and was bleeding really bad! I took her to the hospital, but they said it was too late! I’m sorry, but s-sh-she lo-lost the b-baby!”

I swear my insides turned into soup as soon as he finished that!

I heard a scream over the receiver, and jumped. Before I knew it Josh was holding the phone to my ear and then I heard his soft voice,

“Lee? Baby it’s okay, we’ll try again when I get home okay?... I know you wanted this baby, and so did I but it just wasn’t our time okay?” I cried hard and mumbled almost inaudible “Okay.”

Brandon spent the next fifteen minutes whispering soothing words to me. He then told me that he had to go and that he’d call soon to check on me.

Before he hung up he said the words I feared that I may never hear again!

“I love you Lee, and I always will no matter what happens!” he made me smile!

“I love you too Brandon. I’m so sorry, I never meant for it to happen!” I said quickly because it had been something that was weighing on my mind and I had been debating on whether or not to tell him, but I knew that he loved me and that I could tell him anything no matter what, and he wouldn’t judge me!

I heard a deep sigh come from the other side of the receiver as he whispered “I know Lee…I know, I love you baby girl!”

“Love you too!”

Josh took the phone back and agreed with something Brandon had said and then he hung up. After that he put the phone back on table.

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