Chapter 21: All I Need Is YOU! Then WE Can Be A FAMILY!!!!

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Recap: Aliya gets to talk to Brandon on the phone for about thirty minutes, and they end up naming the baby during the short conversation. Erika finally realizes that it really is hard being away from the one you love and going through so much without them by your side. Her and Aliya start to become good friends and she helps Aliya out by getting things for Gavin. After spending a couple of nights in the hospital, both Aliya and Gavin get to go home.

How will Aliya feel when she gets home?

Will she become overwhelmed, or will she cope well?

Will people judge her because she’s not married, or will people end up judging Brandon because he wasn’t there for the birth of his own son?

Let’s find out!

(Aliya’s Point of View)

A couple days later both Gavin and I were released from the hospital. I finally get to go home and sleep in my own bed. The only reason I had to stay an extra day, is because the doctors ran some tests on Gavin just to make sure he was healthy because I didn’t know that I was carrying him. They ran the tests and assured me that he was perfectly heathy, and that I was able to take him home.

A nurse walked in with discharge papers and set them down on the table. I quickly picked them up and signed them, wanting to get out as fast as possible. She told us that we were free to leave when we were ready.

I changed Gavin and put him in his car seat very gently. A few minutes later Josh and Erika walked in.

“How ya felling honey?” Josh asked in a hushed tone not wanting to wake his sleeping nephew. I smiled “Tired and a little sore!”

“I bet!” Josh helped me off the bed and into a waiting wheelchair. After I sat down he sat Gavin’s car seat in my lap and wheeled me to the car. Once there Erika took Gavin and buckled his car seat in while Josh helped me up out of the wheelchair.

“Owwwww!” I couldn’t help but let out this long painful sigh, because I was in a pretty fair amount of pain from everything that’s happened these last three days.

When I looked up. I saw Josh looking at me with sad eyes “I’m sorry honey!” I smiled “It’s okay, it’s all worth it!”

(Aliya’s Point of View)

Josh nodded and helped me into the car. I gently got in and sat next to Gavin as Josh and Erika took us home. I looked into the car seat that as next to me and saw my little angel that I thought I had lost just close to 48 hours ago.

It’s hard to believe that Doctors told me I was having a miscarriage, when I was actually going into labor! I mean seriously they’re Doctors shouldn’t they know this stuff?

But right now I could really care less! I have my beautiful baby boy with me, the only thing I need now is Brandon and then everything will be complete! We’ll be able to be a family! Brandon only has three months left f his tour so Gavin will be three months old by the time he gets to meet him.

I love Brandon and Gavin so much! Now that I have Gavin here, I couldn’t imagine life without him…he’s such an amazing little baby. Maybe later this week Brandon and I can video chat. I miss his face and I want to see his smile again! Every time I see it, I feel like everything’s going to be okay!

 Josh parked in the spot closest to the door so I didn’t have to walk far. I was still extremely sore from Gavin’s dramatic entrance into the world. I hope Brandon doesn’t want that many kids, because I don’t know how many more times I can go through that again! People were definitely telling the truth when they said giving birth felt like hell!

At least they had a chance to prepare themselves! All I got was like a second and a half. Dr. Hill came in telling me to push, while Josh was basically standing there telling that Gavin was coming whether I was ready or not!

Other women have nine months to get their nurseries ready, well my boyfriends brother and his girlfriend did mine! Most women get to go to ultrasound appointments and see their baby before it’s born and try to figure out who it looks like! Nope, not me! I never got the thrill of taking a pregnancy test and running to tell Brandon, or going to doctors appointments to see my little man….nope! I just got told to push because apparently I was pregnant and my baby was ready to come!

Josh and Erika got out of the car and started grabbing things. Josh took things into the house then came back and opened my door smiling.

“Did you think I forgot about you?” he questioned obviously expecting an answer. I smiled “yeah!” we both laughed.

“I promise I didn’t!”


Josh got  Gavin out of the car and then came around helping me out. “Owwwwww!” Josh and I walked very slowly to the house, but he understood, thank gosh!

I slowly walked in and sat on the couch letting a deep breath out. Josh had went to the kitchen to start making dinner while Erika and I stared at Gaven.

“I can’t believe you had a baby, he’s so adorable!”

“I know, I can’t either, he looks just like Brandon!” He was supposed to be here when our first baby came home!

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes because I was still pretty tired. Every time I’d finally close my eyes or fall into a deep sleep the nurses would come in and have me nurse Gavin to start him on a feeding schedule. I had absolutely no sleep whatsoever, as if I’m going to get any now!

Gavin started to cry so I sat up and got him out of his car seat giving him his pacifier and laying him on my chest and then laying dwon myself after I had propped my head up with a pillow leaning against the arm of the couch dozing off slowly with Gavin asleep on my chest.

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