Chapter 23: The Day We've Both Been Waiting For...

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Recap: Aliya went to a family reunion with her parents, so this would be the first time anyone would know that she was even carrying Gavin. While at her family reunion she got the biggest shock of her life..! Brandon came home and surprised her, they were finally reunited after three long months!

How will Brandon’s parents react when they meet Gavin? Plus when they find out that Brandon’s home?

Will Michele try to ruin their relationship by telling Brandon that Aliya cheated on him with Josh?

Let’s find out!

(Aliya’s Point of View)

There were camera flashes coming from every direction possible, and everyone was so excited for us. I sat down and Brandon sat next to me smiling the whole entire time! Just like the night that I had Gavin! It’s a good thing we have a screwdriver at home, because I might need to use it to unscrew his smile after tonight. Brandon looked so proud when he saw Gavin asleep in his car seat, almost as if he was imagining him playing football, or taking him fishing! I’m so glad that I’m part of the reason that that smile won’t leave his face!

“I love you Lee!” I smiled as he kissed my temple and then looked at Gaven.

“I love you too Gavin!. Then he looked at me and smiled “Lee he’s so perfect and beautiful, but next time wait until I’m home!”

I giggled but then got as serious as I possibly could. “But next time won’t happen for at least a couple years!”

“I don’t care as long as we have another one!” he smiled as he got as close as possible to my lips without actually touching them. I whispered “I’m sure we will, in fact I know we will because I love you so much!”

“I love you too Lee!”

(Brandon’s Point of View)

Out of all of the times I’ve been with Aliya, something about today just made everything feel right. I love Aliya so much, more than anyone could ever know! She’s beautiful, and extremely smart and I enjoy being around her, infact I love spending every possible minute I can with her! Instead of just having Lee in my life, I now have a beautiful little boy! He’s so perfect in every possible way, the only thing I don’t understand is why the doctors didn’t find him when she went in the first time for an appointment! It just doesn’t make any sense to me at all! I mean when she went in to see if she really was pregnant then why didn’t they tell her that “oh yeah you’re about 6 weeks away from your due date!” instead she got the “you’re definitely pregnant the test wasn’t wrong at all! We’ll see you in a few weeks if you need anything or have any complications call!” that’s all! No ultrasound, nothing! They’re lucky nothing happened to Lee or Gavin because I would’ve went after them for not telling her that she was that far! I mean seriously it can’t be that hard to see a 6 pound 7ounce baby in there! All though I do have to say that she doesn’t look like she just had a baby three days ago! No weight gain or anything like that! She looks exactly like she did before I left!

Any way I was sitting there holding Gavin and looking at him thinking about what I was going to teach him when he got older and all the things I’d be telling him not to do! I mean let’s face it ALL boys are trouble makers when they’re little! I looked down and he had a little tiny smile on his lips. That’s when I thought that there’s no better time like the present! I passed Gavin to Lee and got down on one knee….

“Aliya Grace Jacobs will you marry me?”

I started to cry and nodded my head “Yes Brandon, I’ll marry you!”

He slid the ring on my finger and kissed me gently. I looked at Gavin and then at Brandon smiling. I finally have the two most important things in my life with me! I couldn’t imagine life without either of them.

(Aliya’s Point of View)

I can’t believe that just happened! I’ve been waiting for this day since our friends introduced us. I’m going to Brandon’s wife! That sounds so amazing when you say it, we’re going to get married and be a happy little family. Well just as long as he doesn’t have to go back and fight that is.

“Oh my gosh I can’t believe you’re engaged!” I hear from across the room. My mom ran over and hugged me, and then Brandon. My dad walked over and just stared at me and it kind of freaked me out a little bit.

“Dad?” he smiled. “You’re growing up way too fast! You have a baby and now you’re engaged, you’re gonna make a beautiful bride. To a well deserving man! If it was any other man I wouldn’t have granted permission!”

I looked at Brandon and smiled. “You asked? That’s what I wanted and you did it! That means a lot to me Brandon! Thank you babe!” I smiled and leaned up to kiss him gently. “I know you did, and that’s why I asked!” Brandon said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

(Brandon’s Point of View)

I know she’s been waiting for me to ask her to marry me, and for some reason today just felt like it was the right time and place! I’m so happy that she’s going to become my wife! Gavin and I are very lucky to have a beautiful, loving and caring woman like her in our lives! I love her so much and I can’t wait to see her in her wedding dress and expand our family!

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