The Missing Piece of the Puzzle

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(jULY 4, 2010)

This was the day i wished we could just skip, and act like nothing had happened! But unfortunately, I can't. I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off at 5:30 a.m. I opened my eyes to see my amazing boyfriend of one year smiling at me. i looked at him and let a small smile appear on my lips, before he got of bed to shower. I got dressed and laid down on our bed waiting for him. When he came out of the bathroom he looked at me and a small smile played on his lips. He slowly walked to the closet and pulled out his tan Army uniform and laid it on the bed, and that's when it set in! But before I could get too deep in my thoughts, he walked over and started to put on his uniform. When he was fully dressed and standing in front of me....I lost it. My cheeks had become rosy and wet from tears that were streaming my face! He came over and wrapped his arms around me and comforted me, as he spoke in a soft tone, almost in a whisper. "Aliya babe don't cry please, it hurts me to see you this way" After he said that i just nodded and burried my head in his chest as tears flowed uncontrollably.

We may have only been standing there for a few minuets just holding each other, but in all honesty it felt like hours. All we wanted was to just be in the comfort of each others arms. but before we knew it we were headed to the airport, where we would say goodbye for at least a year! As Brandon walked onto that plane i just stood there silent! I closed my eyes hoping this was a dream, but it wasn't. Before i opened my eyes, i felt someones warm lips pressed to mine! My eyes flew open to see Brandon standing in front of me, giving me one of the most passionate kisses ever! When he pulled away he smiled and and gently kissed me again! I kissed back placing my hand on his cheek, stroking it! After he pulled away he wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered, "I love you Aliya!" I laid my head on his chest and spoke just loud enough for him to hear. "I love you too Brandon!" After i had said those four words he kissed me one last time and whispered, "I love you" one last time and walked through the gate and onto the plane!

I waited and watched his plane take off. When i couldn't see it anymore i slowly walked away from the window and to the parking-lot. When i got to my car i collapsed on the steering-wheel and cried! After all who wouldn't, espescially when that person has just sent the love of their life to one of the most horrifying things ever....WAR!

I went home to an empty and quiet house. Only to realize, that it was going to be like this for a year!

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