Chapter 6; The Night We Expressed Our Love...and Ended Up Hurting Each Othe Too!

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Recap: Brandon is going to take Aliya to the pier for some much needed time alone, after he's been gone for six months.

(At the Beach)

"Okay so what do you wanna do first?" Brandon asked me as we walked the pier hand in hand when I saw the one thing that we loved to do all the time "Ferris Wheel!" Brandon turned to me as a smile played across his lips "Okay."

He Grabbed my hand and led me to the ride where we waited to get on. As we waited I got lost in my thoughts....this day was perfect so far, I mean we woke up in each others arms! We've told each other "I love you" like a dozen times today....could this day really get any better? I was pulled out of my thoughts as we got on the ride.

After the ferris wheel we had decided to take a walk on the beach.

The sun was just starting to set and it was just us! Brandon had pulled me close to him intertwining out fingers together and smiling as he spoke soft "Hey babe?"

I looked up at him and smiled "yeah?" He stopped walking and grabbed both of my hands "do you ever think about your future?" "Of course I do! And the day we met keeps replaying in my head because you were so nervous even though we had met through a mutual friend a few months back!"

"Yeah I was nervous! I'm surprised you can remember how nervous i was, and how come you always remember the embarasing stuff Lee?" he asked "I don't know I said with a laugh.

He looked me in the eyes and then pulled me close kissing me gently "You know what day I can't wait to replay?" "No." I asked confusion clearly in my tone.

He laughed at me and then whispered pulling me close "The day where I see you walking down the aisle with your dad! And the day where you hold our first child! I want to replay these and so many more days that I have with you over and over in my head! I want to be able to tell our grandkids about all of these huge milestones that we've accomplished Lee"

When he said that I swear my heart stopped but I spoke softly as my head laid on his chest "I do too! I can't wait to tell our kids about how daddy was a hero for us! And how much I love you!"

Brandon pecked my lips and mummbled against them "words could never describe the way I feel about you Lee!"

I rested my head on his chest and spoke only loud enough for us to hear "I'm so lucky to have you!" Brandon pulled my chin up so I looked him in the eyes "No, I'm the lucky one! I can't wait until I come back from Afghanistan permanately!"

I smiled "And why is that?" He smiled at me and said the sweetest thing ever "Because when I come home, I get to spend forever with you! Plus I'll be able to call you an amazing wife and mother!"

I couldn't believe what he had just said it was so amazing to hear the person you love and what to spend the rest of their life with you say that. I couldn't help but smile at his sweet words as I leaned up and pecked his lips "Forever and always?"

He looked at me and kissed me passionately mummbling against my lips "Forever and Always, you and me Lee!" Those were definately the words that you wanna hear when you're with the person you love and wanna spend the rest of your life with.....because in the end isn't that what we all truly want in the end??

Tell me what you think!

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