Opposites Attract.

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"I wanna dance in the rain, feel the water seep into my skin and feel alive. Will you dance with me?"

"Truth: Though I may not be your best friend anymore, it doesn't mean I stopped being your friend.

False: Though I may not be your best friend, it doesn't mean I finally started to care."

"Never knew I was going to cry when we talk, until you stopped making me one of the few who knew you."

"You make me do crazy things, things that I usually never even try to think about let alone go through with. But with you, I feel alive. Invincible."

"Life is no less whether your an animal or plant, or a human being like you. Each living, breathing thing has a purpose in life, no matter how big or small. They have a purpose, that no other thing but them can fulfill. So don't think your unimportant, because your part is just as important as his/hers."

"Sorry things got so bad that you wanted to forget about the past, that I was just a figment of your imagination. Don't worry though, things'll get better and I'll be out of your hair forever. (Life is Life)"

"Stupidity isn't something you're taught or caught like the flu, its something bred into you and just waiting to come out. This species of stupiidty driven people are called the "Dumb Asses"."

"Don't you just hate it how it feels like you're the only one who gets jealous over him/her, and they don't notice it at all? My answer? Oh heck yeah."

"Promise me one thing. When I finally disappear, tell me why you chose to forget me and us."

"Right now, at this very moment, I hear the sound of music and laughter throughout the house. But that can't be, because no one is here except me, and I'm clearly not laughing."

"Sometimes... You never know you're that important in someone's life, until you realize how much you've done for that one person."

"Why not break my heart some more, its not like you've done enough severe damage to it already."

"What hurts more isn't having your heart broken, but breaking someone you loves heart."

"Sometimes I get sick of caring, because you probably find it amusing how I worry or love you. I'm probably right too, aren't I?"

"What really stinks is that I still cry over the fact that you don't talk to me anymore, you don't know how much it takes to not cry over you."

"When your asleep... dreams come from your subconscious... sometimes sending you a message... or showing you... about something that awaits... in the future..."

"If the world ended today, I would laugh in all your faces, because my world ended a long time ago."

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