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"How much longer do we have?" Evee said and slumped against a mossy tree.

We had been walking for ten days with no end in sight. The clouded sun was setting in the horizon. It was almost time to stop walking and settle in for another restless night.

"At this rate, at least two more weeks," Nate said with the postcard in his hands and sat down on the grass next to Evee.

"Two weeks?" Mat shouted and turned from the head of the trail, "But we're almost out of food?"

"That's why I was trying to get you to slow down," Ocean said from beside Mat.

"We're walking so much," Mat pouted, "I can't help but eat so much."

I pulled the tracker out from my suede bag, "Why don't we try to see if there's anything around here?" I said, "There must be a sign for food."

"Good idea, Valen," Ocean said with a smile and walked towards me, "I can go with you if you'd like."

I nodded to Ocean and walked beside her as we set forth down a trail.

"Then I'm pitching the tent," Mat said and put down his bag, "I hope you find something good out there. I can't make any promises I won't eat what I brought for myself."

"Fine," I said under my breath and turned away from Mat.

We walked through the trees overgrown with moss and slumped to the side with rot. There had been a storm the last few days, and these trees had apparently seen the worst of it. With the tracker in my hand, I tripped over an exposed root and hit the forest floor face first.

"Valen!" Ocean said from above and reached for my hand, "Are you okay?"

I patted my hands around me to try to find the tracker again. A piece of the corner jutted from the metal box, and the blinking green light was flickering slower. I had broken the tracker.

"Oh no," I said and fumbled to put it together again.

"Is it?" Ocean said.

"I think - I think I broke it," I said and looked down the shattered pieces scattered near my hands.

"Stay right here," Ocean said, "I think I see Nate over there! He can fix it, I'm sure."

Ocean turned back to the other who were still within view.

I didn't know how I could always find a way to mess things up for us, but this had to be the worse thing I had done so far. Now how were we supposed to stay away from the Allies? Buggy had trusted me to do this, and somehow I knew wherever he was he was disappointed.

I put my hand to my head and let the tears well under my eyes when something on the edge of the tracker caught my attention.

It was a rolled up piece of paper. With the tracker already broken, I took the edge of the paper and pulled it out from within the break.

It was a pair of letters. I unrolled the first and read it to myself.


I hope this package has arrived safely. It is the last piece needed for your receptor to receive the updated routes. Please be sure to keep it from your Uncle Alger. He will know what it is for and I'm certain he will not approve of your plans for it.

Please keep my Madelyn and your cousin Alun safe until I return. It will bring me great pain to see you three set off on your journey but I know my daughter will be in the best of hands.

- Mr. C. "

I unfolded the second letter with speed and read it so quick I had to read it twice just to understand.

"Mr. C.,

My sincerest apologies for not writing back sooner. It has been brought to my attention the elders have begun searches on all those returning to camp. I was only able to recover your last gift and find it's hiding spot after leaving during unauthorized hours. I fear I have put a target on my back when the elders are already watching me so close. I will try to recover your last package after harvest with the hope of evading their growing scorn.

I know it will be worth it in the end.

With all my respect,

- J.F. "

I sat back against the tree. To stunned to move.

"Are you sure it's broken?" Nate said in the distance as he approached the tree.

"Valen," Ocean said and kneeled down to the forest floor, "Don't cry. I'm sure Nate can fix it."

I held out the papers in my shaking hands and took in a deep breath. Ocean took the letters from me. Her eyes grew wide each scan of the page.

This journey wasn't supposed to be for us. This was supposed to be for Buggy. He had given up his chance of freedom and lost his life to make this tracker, and I just broke it.

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