Chapter 37

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Brynn's POV

     Black, all I see is black, a darkness swallowing me whole. There are no colors, no signs of light. Just black, and that's how it's been for the past couple of minutes. The only thing I can recognize is the strong, piercing pain shooting through my head. I can't remember how I got it, but it hurts like hell. Slowly, the blackness fades, and I can start to hear everything around me. As soon as I can push myself too, I open my eyes and try to look around, but I my head is partly immobile. Of course, I'm in a neck brace. I must've fallen and hit my head. My eyelids start feeling droopy again, but I have to force them open.

     I mentally retrace my footsteps in my head. The last thing I remember is taking a shower this morning. I can't remember falling at all.

     "Brynn?" an almost unrecognizable voice asks. It sounds broken and dry.

     "Michael?" I respond. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see him jump out of his chair and walk over to me. His face is pale, dark circles fall underneath his eyes, and his eyes look red and watery. His expression, however, doesn't match his physical state. His smile is brighter than I've ever seen it. He takes my hand that's closest to him and makes a hand sandwich out of it, putting my hand in between both of his.

     "You're awake," he smiles and lightly kisses my forehead.

     "I am," I'm beaming after his kiss. My eyelids continue to get droopier, but I can't let myself fall back into unconsciousness.

     "You're tired. You need to sleep," he, sadly, catches on. I frown.

     "No, I need to talk to you," I refuse to succumb to the urge. He sighs.

      "Fine, since I know how stubborn you are," he grabs a chair from the side of the room and drags it over to right next to me.

     "What happened?" I question, feeling the throbbing pain in my head.

     "Well, you started attacking Cody, and hit knocked you down. Your head hit the wall, making you pass out," he traces the backside of my hand. I furrow my eyebrows, which sends a splintering pain up my head.

     "Why would I attack Cody?" I ask in all seriousness. He hasn't done anything wrong to me. Michael raises an eyebrow.

     "You don't remember?" he questions.

     "The last thing I remember is showing this morning," I admit. He sighs, intertwining our hands.

      "Baby, you've been out for two weeks," he informs me softly. My eyes widen.

       "Oh no, everyone is probably so worried," I breathe.

     "You're mom is here at the hospital. She just went out to get food. I've been trying to keep your fans calm," he tells me calmly. I sigh.

     "Okay, the last thing I remember is showering. What happened between that and me being here?" I ask.

     "Well, I wasn't really a part of most of it, so most of the story is filled in by the guys and Cody," he spits Cody's name like it's some sort of disease. "We FaceTimed, and Kaitlyn came in the room and tried to talk to me. She wasn't allowed to know about our relationship, so I had to abruptly leave. Cody thought I was cheating on you, and apparently he gained feelings for you," his hand not in mine grips onto the arm of his chair,"and he kissed you. You slapped him and told him it was Kaitlyn. He then got the idea if he provoked and got through me, he could get to you, so he recorded a video of him kissing you and posted it on his social medias. 

     You got upset since you thought it ruined our relationship and your relationship with the guys, and you kept trying to call us. You ended up getting a hold of Sergio, and they stayed on the phone with you. Cody finally came out of hiding, and you attacked him. He then knocked you down, and your head slammed into the wall. You passed out, your head cracked open. Chance got Cody to bring you to the hospital where you got stitches and staples in your head," he finishes the story. I can remember it now. I just needed someone to fill in my memories.

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