Chapter 7

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Addie's POV

     "Is there anything I'm forgetting?" Brynn asks, looking around her spotless room. Today is the day she goes back out to LA for that big awards show. She seems hesitant about going, trying to find any excuse to stay back.

      "No, I don't believe so," I smile at her. This is my time to find stuff out about her past. She is going to be gone for a while. Her room will be vacant, leaving me the perfect opportunity.

      "God why do women always have to take so long?" James huffs as he stands in the doorway with a cocky smirk on his face. I can't wait until I find someone who can break Brynn out of this trance that is keeping her with him.

      "Why do you always have to be a fucking douche who can only think about himself?" I snap back at him, rolling my eyes. He glares at me. Brynn stands awkwardly in the middle.

     "Why do you always have to be a bitch and try to convince Brynn to dump me?" he barks. His thick eyebrows bounce up and down in rage.

     "Why do you two always have to fight?" Brynn sighs in between us. He glares at her.

     "Don't," he huffs, and she quickly looks down to the ground. I glare at him.

      "Well, you two need to get going. Have fun Brynn," I switch the subject quickly, giving her a quick hug.

     "Promise me you'll be here when I come back," she tells me. I'm confused, but I still nod.

     "Of course. I wouldn't go anywhere else,"I state, confused. She nods before running to catch up with James who already started walking down the hall. I sit down and just take a look around. Pink. There's a ton of pink throughout the room. Pink walls, pink sheets, pink dresser, pink everything. I don't know how she can stand this. If I was stuck in this room, I would end up dying from the brightness. Once I see the limo taking James and Brynn to the airport take off, I use that as a cue. Now, there is no one to catch me. I will figure this out.


     It's been two hours, and I can't figure this out. I've searched throughout the room, and I can't find anything. All I have is the sweatshirt, which is no help if I don't know the owner. It's someone from before Brynn came here, probably the same person who wrote her that letter.

     The letter! That'll probably tell me something. I quickly scurry over to the drawer she keeps it in before pulling it out. The envelope has sloppy handwriting scribbled across it that I know Brynn adores. Whenever she sees it, she smiles. I slowly pull the letter out of the envelope, revealing a piece of paper.

Dear Brynn,

     Happy birthday! Well, I'm writing this on your birthday. I don't think you'll get it on your birthday, but hey, it's the thought that counts. Anyways, Brayden and I have been working a ton for the past couple of days. We've been trying to find out who your mom is, and we succeeded! Her name is Veronica Weaver. She was signed to Bill's record label before she moved out to London. Her address is on the back so you can find her.


Michael <3

     I fall of the bed after reading the last line. Michael is real! Suddenly, I feel like a major idiot. There is something called google for a reason. I pull it up on my phone before typing in "Brynn Williams and Michael." As soon as a type it in, dozens of articles pop up. I click on the video section, and the first one says it's a livestream of the two of them. Why not? I click on it.

     "Okay guys. I know that the show cut off before I could announce anything about the whole Dorian thing or the charity I'm starting," my eyes widen at the sight of Brynn then. Her hair is a brown instead of blonde. She also looks more mature now.

      "Brady and Jay have arrived!" a guy with a gravely voice announces. As the camera flips around, I choke. Standing there is the rapping violinist from In Real Life and Brady Tutton along with another guy.

     "Thank you for anyone who voted for me. It means a lot for me to be here still," the tighter guy says, confusing me. I determine I'm going to get confused, so I decide to skip some. They don't really move positions, but they're talking about something else.

     "...not forget the fact that he HAS A SECRET GIRLFRIEND, Courtney from World's Edge. That's right. He's dating a girl in one of the most famous bands out there, and he's keeping it a secret from everyone. He was even trying to hide it from the rest of the guys, but not as much as someone else😒. He's trying to use deception to win over America,'" random guy, who happens to be gorgeous, says. Brady seems shocked. Thinking about it, he looks really young in this live, probably since this was from 2 years ago

     "'My biggest pet peeve is when someone exposes someone else's relationship. It's not their business, and there's obviously a reason behind the person wanting to keep it a secret.'" Brynn reads off of her phone.

     "I'm not in a relationship, but it's messed up to do that. They'll announce it when they're ready," the random hottie rants, brushing part of his hair out of his face besides one strand. The rapping violinist hugs Brady before seemingly talking to Brynn through their eyes.

     "Umm... guys I have an announcement," Brynn says, making me sit up. Random hottie claps.

     "Yes," hottie mumbles under his breath. Brynn looks over at the rapping violinist don't know the name of, latching their fingers together.

     "So, instead of Dorian announcing it, its better if one of us announces it," Brynn announces, looking at the guy next to her.P

     "There's an even more legitimate reason that I didn't say yes to Dorian, and that's because I have a boyfriend, and his name is Michael Conor," I throw a random pillow across the room before screaming. I don't know if I should feel happy because I found out who Michael is or that she lied to me about her dating. It's not like she had to lie to me about this. What is going on?


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Short AN since I'm tired

Love you all

Empty Promises | MC - sequel to The PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now