Chapter 14

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Addie's POV

     It's happening again. Screaming, sobbing, thrashing, all of it is happening again. I stare at my best friend as she is in complete pain, and I can't do anything about it. She's in pain, and I can't change that.

     "Addie, you found this 'Michael?'" Veronica asks hopefully, and I nod.

      "Yeah. He's her ex, and he's in London. I called him, and he's coming over as soon as he can," I answer. Her hands are shaking.

     "Really? I was guessing he would be a jerk who would laugh and go away," Veronica admits, and I shake my head.

     "He's a complete sweetheart. Trust me. He wants what's best for her," I give her a side hug that she happily returns.

     "Then why would he break up with her?" she questions, looking down at me. My jaw slightly slacks.

     "He didn't. She did," I admit, shocking Veronica. At that very second I hear a knock at the door. My feet carry me down the stairs quickly where I dart towards the door. I open it to see Michael. He is breathing heavily, his hands on his knees. He's wearing basketball shorts and a sweatshirt that are far from matching. 

     "I got here as fast as I could. It was thirty minutes until anyone could pick me up," he informs me, standing up right. He quickly fixes his hair, peering inside.

     "Thank gosh," I sigh.

     "Where is she?" he eagerly asks. A shrill noise fills the air, making me cover my ears. Brynn just let out a deathly screech.

     "Upstairs," I answer, even though he could probably tell. He looks even more concerned now than he did before. I quickly move aside, so the two of us can go up the stairs. He frowns whenever he sees a picture of James and Brynn. As we see Veronica, a look of recognition comes across her face, but she quickly hides it.

      "D-don't hurt him!" Brynn cries just like last time. I look over, and Michael isn't next to me anymore. He's kneeling next to Brynn's bed, holding onto her hand. He is lightly biting his lip. It slightly reminds me of the scene in Sleeping Beauty where the prince wakes up Aurora up from her long nap except Brynn looks anything but peaceful.

     "Shhh," he hums, but she keeps going. The tears he's holding back make his eyes glisten even more in the moonlight.

     "Don't blame him!" she screams, jerking her hand out of his.

      "It's okay princess," he whispers sweetly to her, but she doesn't stop.

     "I wonder why she broke up with him," Veronica speaks exactly what I'm thinking.

     "No one knows," I sigh. Right as I say that, she jerks up. Tears continue to cascade down her face as she slowly looks around. When her eyes meet Michael's, she stops.

     "M-Michael?"she croaks out, a look of pure shock coating her face.

      "Yeah," he responds. She surprises us all by grabbing him by the collar of his sweatshirt and slamming her lips into his. She clings onto him automatically. I look between Veronica and the two of them in complete shock.

     "We should let them be alone," she murmurs, pulling at my arm. She walks out the door, gesturing for me to follow. I do, and close the door behind me.


Michael's POV

     As soon as we pull apart, Brynn intertwines our hands. She lightly cries. I'm beyond confused, but I'm going with it. I have nothing to loose at this point.

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