That shit about Gerard and Lynz thats been going around lately just pmo. Leave them alone. Regardless of what they do, I'll never lose my respect for them. They've done so much for me in my life. So if you're reading this jessicka—

HTG! 👊

Also happy birthday geebear ❤ and beebo ❤


"Sugar I'm so proud of you! So when's the actual wedding? I volunteer to be your bridesmaid, or a male version anyway. You don't exactly have any female friends,"

Stellar hugged Gerard back with a grin, before sitting herself back down next to Brendon who made a face at Frank who squeezed Gerard's ass as he sat down. "I dunno gee, I think you'd look pretty damn hot in a dress." Gerard's face went an embarrassed shade of red as he elbowed Frank in the ribs. "Shut up you dumbass."

"You kinda would Gee. You're pretty for a guy anyway. Very feminine," Stellar commented. A giant grin spread across Brendon's face as she said it. "I have an idea!" Dallon, always strangely next to Brendon, shook his head violently in response. "Oh, no. Whatever it is, please shut up Brendon." Brendon ignored him and resumed his former sentence. "You said she had no bridesmaids–we could be bridesmaids! All of us in some sexy little dresses, it'll be like kinky boots all over again! And Gerard can embrace his inner crossdresser!"


"Oh please, don't pretend I haven't seen you flaunting around at weird times of the morning with heels and a mini skirt on–"

Stellar cut them all off before Gerard could have a mental breakdown and Brendon got his nose broken by Frank. "Anyway! Sure, that sound's great. Text me the details.As for the date, we were thinking Fourth of July, the day we first kissed. It's only a few weeks away, but we don't want something extravagant."

Frank made kissy kissy sounds while Brendon laughed loudly, attracting the attention of people at the table behind them. And whoever said cafes had privacy. "Me and Sarah just got married on the date we first met, or in other words, the first time we hooked up. Just do that."

Stellar blushed. Avoiding Brendons gaze. "Oh. OHHH! Don't tell me you two haven't done the deed!" She blushed more as Frank began sniggering. "It didn't seem relevant at the time. " Brendon cackled loudly making some people move and gather their children. "You had so many fuckin opportunities man! So all those times we walked in on you two—"

"—exactly. We were just asleep, and thats all we had done. So shame on you." She put her coffee cup down in the table like a gavel. "Now, I better get going, I have to get home before Pete so he doesn't start worrying. Thanks for meeting up, I'll see you around. " She got up to leave, hugging everyone goodbye. "Oh! I nearly forgot! We're still doing that thing for Pete right? You know, what we were talking about doing today?"

Gerard looked stellar directly in the eye and gave her the kind of look that said to just go along with it, even though she had no idea what he was talking about. "Oh yeah. Well we better hurry before it closes. Bye guys!" She hurried off with Gerard to her car and as she got in he just broke down.


"I–I think he's cheating on me Stel. I think Frank is cheating on me."

"Oh. Gerard...I'm so sorry. How–how do you know?" Gerard gratefully accepted a tissue from his best friend and attempted to pull himself together. "He's been, I guess you could say, distant, lately. Every time I bring it up, he shuts me down completely. Then he's always on his phone, running off places, saying he has trips for work... I mean really. Work? What fucking work? We gave up our entire career as a band! I really fucking doubt he has suddenly become some kind of traveling fucking salesman or pizza guy or something. But the biggest thing is he never tells me that he loves me anymore Stel. He never shows it anymore, never says it. The closest thing to affection I've had lately is that fucking show he made of me at the cafe. I don't know what to do!" He thumped the dashboard until stellar grabbed him and held him tight in a bear hug. "Aw, sugar." Truthfully, she had no idea what to say. No clue at all.

"I guess at least you have Pete, huh? Keep him close Stel, he doesn't seem like a dirty rotten cheater like the rest of them." Like the rest of them? "What do you mean?" Gerard laughed, but it was cold and humourless. "Oh, you haven't heard? Turns out the biggest manwhore in town really is a slut. Brendon's cheating on Sarah. And guess who its with? Ryan Ross. I heard him and Dallon arguing about it the other day."

Her eyebrows almost rose off her head at that. Brendon? Cheating? with Ryan?! It was surprising and unsurprising at the same time. But Frank? It just didn't seem plausible. "Well, I guess I'll get outta your hair now. I'll see you—"

"—Ah, no. You my best friend in the whole world, are coming home with me to eat tub upon tub of icecream under a fluffy as hell blanket as we binge watch movies and cry about our lives. "

"That sounds nice and all, but I thought you and Pete were going out for dinner," She smiled at him and started the car, beginning to drive back to the apartment. "Well Pete's just gonna have to suck it up. You're more important than some fancy restaurant Gee. And we have a spare room now. So if you wanna, we can just have a sleepover tonight. "

"Thanks. I really need it. "


By the time Pete walked in the door that night, he was tired as hell from signing posters and shirts all freaking day and just wanted to relax on the couch. Except when he went to do that, there wasn't much left of the couch.

The cushions were gone.

"What the fuck– Stellar? Are you here?" All that greeted him was a fit of giggles, coming from somewhere down the hall. He dropped his keys on the coffee table and went to investigate, stopping at the spare bedroom door, where the giggles intensified. He opened the door, facepalming at the sight before him.

"Oh my god. What are you doing. "

In the dead center of the room was a monstrosity of unimaginable stupidity. There was a tower of sorts, made out of pillows, cushions and blankets from what looked like everything in the house. He pulled up one side of the blanket and saw Gerard and Stellar giggling wildly in a pair of onesies, candy and comics scattered in the whole interior. Gerard clicked off the torch which he'd been holding under his chin like a campfire horror story and grinned up at Pete with sugar rush delight. "Pillow fort!" Pete just rolled his eyes at the two of them. "Well at this point I'm just going to not ask questions and just go along with it. So...takeout?"

"Yeah, that'd be great. I'm assuming cheese pizza for you and Gee...?" He was staring at his phone as it started to vibrate, Frank's name popping up on the screen. "Huh? Oh, um,  can you get me a menu? I just better take this." She nodded and got out of the fort to give Gerard some privacy and followed Pete into the kitchen.

"Hey, I'm sorry about dinner...Gerard just really needed me tonight." Pete smiled softly and brought her into a hug. "Aw, it's totally fine. At least he has a friend like you. Can I ask what's up or...?"

Stellar lowered her voice. "Uh, he thinks Frank might be cheating on him."

"Damn...thats rough. Well he can stay as long as he likes. I'll buy more junk food while I'm out. Wait, we don't have pizza menus!"

"Pete, he just wanted us out of the room. Just buy three cheese pizza's. And some milkshakes."

"Well okay Mrs Wentz, don't need to point out my thick skull. Now go back to whatever you were doing," he patted her butt back out of the kitchen toward where Gerard was sitting with his legs drawn up to his chest. "How'd it go?" Gerard just let out a big long sigh. "I wanted to tell him so badly. But I couldn't. So I just said I was staying over here for a while to help with the wedding. If thats okay?"

"Yeah that's fine. Pete said the spare bedrooms yours for as long as you want it." Gerard smiled back at her and gave her a hug. "So...dresses?"


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