"I'm glad to say its good news. Your foot is not broken, however it is sprained and will hurt for a while. Best to try and keep your weight off it for a few days, let the swelling go down. And no more jumping off speakers Mr Wentz, or anything else for that matter. Rest up now. I shall take my leave."

The doctor let himself out of the hotel room, leaving the boys to surround Pete in the crowded space. He sighed, surrendering. "Right, let me have it. Get it out of your systems. "

The three looked at each other, then crossed their arms. "You idiot. What were you thinking? You could've ruined the rest of the tour!"

"What the hell was that? "

"Learnt your lesson?"

Pete waved them off. "Okay okay. For one, it was in the heat of the moment. Its independence day! Fourth of July man. And yes, I have learned my lesson. Don't land wrong—"

"Or how about don't jump at all you dickhead!"

Pete furrowed his eyebrows and pounted slightly. "You guys done? I'm cripple, I'm in pain, and its 1am. Save the lecture for tomorrow." He whined. Patrick shook his head and muttered something, following Andy out of the room, leaving Stellar with Pete. She looked accusingly at him and tapped her foot impatiently. He raised his eyebrows and shrugged. "What do you want me to say?"

"I don't freaking know. Your the one that embarrassed me in front of the whole fucking world."

"Pfft. Its Moscow honey. Thats hardly the whole world. No one will even remember tommorow. "

"Well I bloody will! That was what, like 200,000 people or something? Egg!" He grinned lazily at her and patted the spot beside him. "Nag me to sleep?" Stellar made an irritated noise. "If you weren't already injured, you would be now. Count yourself lucky it wasn't both of your legs."

"Mm. Your making me want to find out. " She made a disgusted face. "Your despicable!'"

"Cmon, don't act like you didnt enjoy it. I sure as hell did," He licked his lips and grinned devilishly as her cheeks reddened in embarrassment. Now that she thought of it, she kind of did. "Right. Well, I'm just gonna go now. Have fun asswipe." He stopped her before she left. "Not even a goodbye? At least give me a hug. Come onnn. I'm in painnnn."  Stellar huffed and stalked over, leaning down to give him a quick bro hug and leave before things could get anymore awkward. Pete wrapped his arms around her neck, pulling her down for another quick kiss as before. Her eyes widened In suprise as she realized what was happening, panic filling her head. He stopped for a millisecond before trying again. "Just let go..."  He whispered. She gave in. The whole thing must've only lasted a few seconds before they both pulled away, red faced and flustered. Pete slowly opened his dark eyes, clouded over in emotion. He smiled sleepily at her. "Goodnight Peaches. Sweet dreams." She got up and let her hand slip from his, running confusededly out the door and down the hall to her own room.

What the hell had just happened?


Somehow that day Pete had somehow managed to find a wheelchair somewhere. It was not only embaressing, but also made him extra annoying to everyone, who were already on edge for one reason or another. Patrick was pissed about having to reschedule a show, Andy was furiously texting on his phone and Stellar, well, she just scrolled through page after page of snapshots from the previous nights 'incident'. Comments ranged from death threats to shipping and everything inbetween, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Earlier that morning she'd managed to send out a social media post that she was indeed not dating Pete, but that still didn't help her cause. And as if it couldn't get any worse, she'd gotten calls from an angry Josh and Tyler, a curious Brendon and even Pete's mom. It was all excruciatingly embarrassing, and she didn't know what to do about it.

Someone pushed her laptop screen down. She looked up and sighed annoyed, anger and embarrassment flooding her system. Speak of the devil and he shall reap. Pete shook a strand of black hair off his head before looking her in the eye. "Whatever it is, don't read it. I'm telling you from personal experience." His tan hand still rest on the base of the laptop. "Well what do you expect me to do? Nothing? " He looked at her stupidly. "Uh, yeah. Just ignore it and it'll go. "

She pushed the laptop off of her and groaned, head in hands. "Does the same go for you? Or are you permanently a stuck fly?"

"I don't know what that means, but okay. Wanna play a game?"

She rolled her eyes. " No pete I don't want to play a game unless it involves tipping you out of that goddamned  wheelchair and into the garbage disposal. Now leave me alone. " He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Geez. Just trying to lighten the mood. Thought you'd enjoy having fun again. "

"What do you mean again? We've never had fun pete. And we're too old for games. Time to grow up." He looked slightly hurt. "So you didn't like that day we got Starbucks? Or any of the other times? "

She shook her head. Even though she knew herself she was lying. "No Pete. That was stupid. Go find someone else to annoy and stop being so childish."

Pete went to reach for her hand but she pulled it away. He looked at her with furrowed black eyebrows and got up out of the wheelchair, limping off to god knows where.

Maybe she'd been a little harsh?


Eesh. Short chapter! Tbh would you guys prefer short chapters updated more often? Or wait longer for longer chapters? Comment!

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