Its Frankie's birthday!😘


The mood dropped as soon as Stellar opened the front door to let Gerard and Frank in.
Pete glared at all three of them, hate already beginning to course its way through his veins and the blood rushed to his head. He was beyond angry. Way beyond. How could Stellar just invite his sworn enemy over here? Gerard would only have to bat his eyelashes and the world would be all over him. Mainly, a certain someone. Of course. Who was Pete to think he could even compare to Gerard.

Stellar lead the two boys into the kitchen where Pete still remained sitting atop the counter like a throne. Frank jumped up next to him, grinning like a maniac, Which he undeniably was, especially when he hugged Pete out of the blue. "Panda! Great to see you again man,"

Pete eyed the short man strangely, not so subtly attempting to shake him off. Gerard just rolled his eyes and shook his newly dyed fire truck red hair, tossing a bag of candy to Pete and giving him a quick 'hey' before leaning on the counter next to Frank. Pete cocked an eyebrow. "And what do I owe the pleasure of your fine company?" He said sarcastically.

Frank clapped him on the back before going back to playing with Gerard's hair. "Just coming to hang, ya know. The usual."

"Uh, yeah. Well, I guess I'll leave you to it then," Pete jumped off the counter before Gerard held him back. "Woah man, you can't just abandon us. We came to bless you specifically with our company. "

"And we brought snacks. So you belong to us now," Frank piped up. Gerard smacked Frank across the head. " Your making it sound like he's our slave, idiot!"

Frank smacked Gee back across the head playfully. "Well, you did say the other night —" Gerard slapped a hand over Franks mouth before withdrawing it with a disgusted face. " —Hey, I'm just saying, I'm open to polygamy Gee,"

Everyone's gaze swiveled to Frank. "Um...Okay. Frankie. Bathroom. Now."  Gerard demanded. Frank rolled His eyes momentarily before stomping off to find it first, followed by Gerard. Pete shot Stellar a dirty look.  "Mind telling what the hell is going on?"

"Gee wants to talk to you–" She was cut off by a loud moan from the right side of the house. Pete looked absolutely horrified. "I-are- huh? Oh dear god. Please tell me they're not–"


"My bathroom! I'm never using that again. " Pete looked like he wanted to Cry, running his hands through his short hair. "I'm so fucking confused. I thought you two were together?!"

She smiled shyly, shaking her head. "We never were. We were just really close friends. Nothing more, nothing less. " Pete took a deep breath, before making his way into the living room and throwing himself on one if the leather couches, followed by Stellar. "So let me get this straight, he's gay?"

"One, those are two words you dont usually use in the same sentence. Two, I'm actually pansexual. " Gee strolled into the room leisurely as he fixed his hair and straightened his coat, kicking his feet up on the walnut coffee table as he sat down. Frank followed suit a few moments later, flustered and red faced, not even bothering to hide the fact he had a huge mark on his neck. "Oh! Frankie I forgot! We have to go do that thing remember!" Stellar stared right at him, begging him to understand what she meant. "Oh, yeah. Thats right. Totally. " They both stood up, Stellar grabbing her bag and phone. "Uh, what thing? Pete asked unsurely. Gerard gave her a knowing look, but played dumb anyway. "Yeah, what?"

"Its a surprise." She said, before ushering frank out the door and leaving Pete and Gerard alone. It was so unbelievably awkward, the tension and silence thick and heavy around them. "So," Gerard started. "How are you really?"

Pete's eyes snapped toward him. "I'm fine." Gerard sighed. "I mean honestly. Dude."

"I don't see how its any of your business anyway. Why do you care?"

"Because I know what your going through, ive been there. And because my best friend is in love with you of all people. So yeah, it kinda is my fucking business." Gerard snapped.

Pete blinked, totally not hearing the whole sentence. "She said that?"

"Nope. But we've all seen the way she looks at you. As much as I liked her, I never would have had a chance. She's real hung up on you Pete, she may not know it yet, but now you do. So treat her right, or you will have six other guys coming after you. Seven, if Brendon doesn't completely hate her,"
Pete gave him a small smile. still in shock. "Hey, don't forget the other three idiots in my band. They love her to bits," Gerard grinned, spreading it infectiously to Pete's own face. "You know, when you wanna be, you're not half bad. Its a shame we never hung out under other circumstances."

"Same goes for you, Way," Pete chewed on his bottom lip in thought. "I guess I'm sorry for how much of a little bitch I've been to you, its mainly jealousy thats been doing it for me," Gerard snorted in reply. "I didn't exactly help the situation though did I? Vomiting all over you and attacking you with scissors–"

"Let's not mention that. "

"Probably for the best." Gerard watched as Pete drew his legs up to his chest and shuffled into the corner of the leather sofa, as they sat in silence for a few more minutes, until Pete all of a sudden spoke. "Does it ever go away?"

Gerard was startled. He actually wasn't even sure if anyone had spoken. Pete's voice was that quiet in the silent room. "The depression?" Pete nodded. "Well, kinda. Everyone's different, but I find that its more random than anything. You'll be fine one day and wake up and be sad the next for no reason, its just on and off really. Even now, when I'm with Frank, and this is the happiest I've been in a long time, I still get hit with it. People you love and that care about you make it better, so surround yourself with them. I can tell you that without this band, I would have been dead years ago ."

Pete nodded along solemnly, feeling stupid for asking these fucked up questions. "Have you ever, um, you know,"

"Tried to kill myself? More times than I can count. Mostly pills and booze. Anything else seemed more scary than needed be. I'm just lucky that I'm alive now, and believe me, you will be so Happy that you are too. Being suicidal, its normal. Everyone's felt it. Its just when you think of it as an escape route, like 'oh if something bad happens, I'll just go do this and it'll be okay and I can go away ' , that's when you know its serious. That's when you need to tell someone okay? Even me. I dont care if its 2am or 2pm, you call me if you ever feel like that. I care about you man. "

Gerard bridged the gap between the Sofa's and dived onto Pete, hugging him tightly but not so much that it'd be considered amourous. "Thank you Gerard. I really appreciate it. "

The door slammed shut and footsteps stopped suddenly in the doorway. "STELLAR! I think they're choking each other!"

Stellar ran in the doorway as they pulled away. "Well I never. I expected to come back to a blood bath but instead its a fucking miracle!"

Pete chuckled and held a hand out to Gerard as they stood up, Frank barelling over and standing in between them. "Well thats good. Leave the choking to me Wentz,"

Everyone except Frank turned bright red.

Typical Frank.

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