OML! Have you listened to


"Hurry the fuck up Pete, Sarah's already pissed at me as it is."

It was the first time Pete had emerged from his room, or 'lair' as Patrick called it, in more than a few days. Hell, maybe even a week. Bleary eyed and sleep deprived, he'd called an important meeting for god knows what, pissing everyone off even more than they had been in the first place.

"Shut up Brendon." Pete slammed down a massive roll of paper in the centre of the kitchen table where everyone sat. Everyone craned to look at it, not understanding what it was. "Uh, what are we supposed to be looking at exactly?" Frank queried. Pete looked slightly triumphant with his blood shot eyes. "House plans. The layout of Stellar's parents house."

"Where did you get that?" Patrick said bewildered. "I have my ways. Okay, so, I called you all here because I want to show you something. I call it 'Plan B".  He positioned an easel in front of them now, a series of papers on it. "Okay, but where the actual hell did you find that thing?!" 

"Patrick, quit it! I found it in your attic. Anyway, Plan B–"

"What is Plan B?" Tyler piped up.

Pete threw his pen on the floor and glared at everyone. "Well if you'd all shut the fuck up and stop interrupting me, I'll tell you!" Everyone just stared him and kept their mouths shut tight. "Okay. We all know of Stellar's situation, she's trapped in a house full of lunatics, and hasn't responded to any calls, texts or anything since the day she got there. I can't marry her straight away because the system is fucked, so this is where Plan B comes in. I want us to get in there, and get her out. "

Patrick groaned. "Pete, I thought you were joking about that. Oh god."

"I'm in." Everyone looked at Gerard. "She more or less saved my life, and I'll be damned if I'll let her waste hers. " Frank squeezed his hand. "I'm in too. Mikey? Ray?" The other two nodded. "I second that!" Josh and Tyler high fived the former band. Brendon agreed and reached over to sling an arm around Josh, making both Dallon and Tyler glare at him. "Git your own Fren Brendon!"

"Anyway, I'm in. And Andy will be too. Right Andy?" Andy nodded at Joe. Everyone's eyes swivled to the last person in the room. "Patrick? How about you?"

Patrick stood off to the side nervously biting his nails. "Um, it's, it's risky guys. We could get arrested! I–um. Fine I'll do it. But I'm blaming you Pete if I spend the rest of my life in jail. "

"So what's the plan, Peter pan?"

Pete swapped the page. "We break in through the basement window. We go up the stairs, sweep the whole first floor, then the second. Then we get her, go out the same way. Boom. Done."

Brendon began clapping obnoxiously. "Well done. I can't believe how well thought out that is. "

"Well you got a better idea?"

"Yeah, My chemical romance."

"Shut up Brendon, you're being an ass." Dallon punched him in the arm.

Frank rolled his eyes, getting up and pushing Pete aside and getting a marker. "How about this. We have what, twelve people? All of aren't going to break in, that'd be stupid. So I say– three people go in. You're possibly up against two adults, and you need someone to get Stellar to safety. Three people in. Apart from those people, one person waits outside the basement window. Another waits at the end of the backyard, the rest in the cars. We need those little earpiece things, like the FBI–"

"Babe, we're not fighting ISIS."

Frank dismissed Gerard with his hand. "So we need those to communicate. Who knows, maybe Patrick has that shit in his attic too. Now. Mikey, you're good with computer shit. Do something techy. Patrick, you can drive one car. Andy, you drive the other. Me, josh and Pete will go inside. Tyler, wait outside the basement. Brendon, you wait down the backyard with dallon and keep watch. Gee, stay with Mikey. Ray, stay with Andy or Patrick. Sound good?"

They all grumbled in agreement. "I feel like we should set up a makeshift headquarters to survey the place before we actually do it. Any ideas?"

"A treehouse!" Tyler piped up.

"I know. There's a playground across the street. We could go there," Josh said all nostalgic like. Pete nodded.

"Playground it is. I'll book the flights. You guys go get your shit together. We're heading out tomorrow."

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