"I just got so emo I fell apart." 😂


The house was silent.

Silence; that was the sole thing that woke stellar the next morning, the sound of nothingness when there should have been at least something.

Eyes shooting wide open, back sitting up ramrod straight, ears and eyes and senses searching for anything. But there was nothing.

The place where Pete should have been was merely a slight dip, alarming her even further as to where he could possibly be. What if—


No. No. No. No.

Fuck. She cursed, leaping out of bed. She had one job- to keep Pete safe. And she had failed that. She checked the ensuite. Nothing. She checked the sitting room, other bathroom, laundry, kitchen, everything. She was close to crying, Pete probably went off and–

"What're you swearing about?"

She nearly jumped ten feet in the air, turning fast and throwing her hands in the air relievedly. "Fuck! Pete! Your Alive!"

Pete gave her a quizzical look from where he sat at the table leaning over a stack of paper with a pen in hand. "Uh, yeah. I think," He then wondered himself, thinking face in place as Stellar stared at him with wide eyes. Sunlight streamed in through the kitchen window, bathing the walls in a soft yellow glow that blended into the oak floors. She watched Pete's face. He sat with his back to the light, a halo almost seemingly around him as if he were angelic, yet when he turned again to look up at her, his face caught the light and his eyes changed into a warm chocolate. She never understood what was so unique about brown eyes till now. Caught by the sun, they transformed into swirls of Caramel and Mocha, with flecks of green and gold highlighted by yesterdays smudged eyeliner that still lined his eyes. "Stellar? Are you alive?"

She shook her head and took a seat across from him. "Sorry. I just freaked when I woke up and you weren't there." He smiled sadly. "You thought I tried to top myself again."

It was a statement, not a question. So she didn't answer. Pete rubbed his eyes tiredly, smearing the black eyeliner even more. "Sorry. I just needed to get my thoughts out of my head for a while, so I started writing and kinda forgot to stop. "

She smiled softly. "You haven't slept?" He shook his head. "Cmon then, its time to sleep vampy. Have a shower and something to eat and then straight to bed. "

He stood up and folded the papers, putting them in his pocket. "Yes Mom. But I think I'll skip breakfast, or I'm going to fall asleep on my plate and then you really can call me an egg,"

Stellar rolled her eyes, watching him walk out of the kitchen and into his room. She sighed and raided his fridge, stealing a bottle of water as she turned on her phone and sat on the counter top. God, it seemed Dave was close to firing her, if he hadn't already. Social media had also blown up, questioning her whereabouts and walk off. She was just about to comment on something when her phone rang. 

"Hey Gee. How's it goin'?"

"Jetlags a complete bitch!" She heard frank yell from the background followed by a short thump as Gerard presumably threw something at him and then told him to shut up. "Jet lag? Where are you?"

"Sorry about him. Oh yeah. We're at Patrick and Eliza's. "

Her eyes nearly popped out of her head. "What? Why? How?"

Gerard chuckled and then threatened Frank with something resembling 'no dessert'. "Joe told Brendon and then we harrased Brendon to tell us what happened and then we called Patrick and so here we are. Well, at least me and Frank anyway. "

"But why?"

"'Cause. Do I really need a reason to support my best friend? Plus I figured, despite our differences, I could maybe talk a bit with Pete about the whole suicide and deppression thing. I've been in that boat more than once and I figured, well, maybe I could try and help him?"

Gerard help Pete? They hate each other. But it was worth a try. "I– yeah. I suppose it can't hurt. But tell frankie don't blame me if that pretty little face of yours ends up being a real life revenge era photoshoot. "

"Will do, Stel. I'll bring a shit ton of Junk food over later Kay? Oh and frank says hi. "

They talked for a little longer before hanging up, only for her to end up making a shit load of other phone calls to a few others, namely Patrick about last night. Dave, however, definitely wasn't on her list.

"Patrick, hey. How're you doing?"

Patrick sighed on the other end of the line. "Alright. How's Pete?"

"Just got to sleep. You know he didn't mean what he said yesterday..." Patrick was silent for a moment. "I know, I think. I'll come see him when things cool down a little. Gerard and frank are here,"

"I know. They said they're coming over."

Patrick laughed humorlessly. "Let me know how that plays out. I assume I'll be walking into a bloodbath. " He and stellar talked for a little while more, before Pete ventured out into the kitchen and grabbing a packet of crisps and sitting next to her on the countertop still half asleep. "–yeah. I'll call you later 'Trick, talk soon. " Patrick said a quick goodbye before hanging up. Pete scooted back and leaned against the wall. "Checking up on me I suppose?"

She sighed, scooting back alongside him. "You're lucky he still cares. " It came out slightly accusingly, but she couldn't help but defend Patrick. He was too nice for his own good. Pete just groaned loudly, tiredly, exhausted at and with everything and everyone. "I fucked up bad. I should apologize,"


"But I dunno. I'm still angry at everyone. Its really dumb, but I kind of resent all of you plus the world at the moment. " Pete played with his hands in his lap, mucking with a loose thread on his gray sweats, slightly scared of her reaction. He was a coward, after all. He spent more time running from his problems than fighting with them, something that obviously contributed to his downfall. Stellar grabbed his hand, warmer and larger in stark contrast to her own. She wasn't sure what to say.

"Pete...I l—"

Stellar was interrupted by an obnoxiously loud knock at the door, one that could only be Frank.

Of course, it would only be karma that had to ruin the moment.


Remember when stellar ruined the moment? 😂

Anywhore, look forward to the possible emo battle next chapter 👀

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