
Something, or rather someone, flew into her as she walked through the stage door for rehearsal. She nearly fell, but was caught by the persons strong arms. "Jesus Brendon! Calm down." Brendon grinned down at her and ruffled her hair with his big hand. "Brendon and Jesus in the same sentence? That's something you don't hear everyday." She rolled her eyes as he walked her over to the guys. "Hey Fam. How's it?" Patrick looked up surprised. "Huh? Someone's talky this morning." Andy popped up from behind his drums. "Probably because Peter shared the room last night." He winked as the room laughed. Pete's face matched stellars red one, shocked at what they were insinuating. Brendon smirked. "I thought I heard your phone ringing in there when I called earlier. Naughty naughty children. I hope you were safe—"

"Brendon! Shut your face before I hit it with my guitar. We. Didn't. Do. Anything!" He, andy and Patrick shared a look. "Whatever you say R. Just don't get pregnant on tour—" "Brendon!" He rolled his eyes. "Hey. Not my fault Petey gets people knocked up—OW! " A drumstick went flying past her head and into Brendon's, hard. He rubbed the spot and gave Pete a dirty look, to which he returned. "Fine. I'm done. Calm the fuck down Wentz. "

"Is that what you said to Ryan?"

Pete and Stellar shared a smile as Brendon's face went slack. "Anyway, turns out tonights show has been canceled for some reason. No idea why. So apparently we can have a free day off!" Patrick said enthusiastically. The others made sarcastic yays and looked at each other. "So. Anyone up for shopping or something? This is New York," Brendon said. Patrick and Andy agreed. "Well actually, stellar and I were gonna go find something more fun to do than shopping. We can meet up with you later." Pete said. Stellar raised an eyebrow. "Thought you could do with some cheering up," He whispered. The others wiggled their eyebrows. "Enjoy yourselves then. Have 'fun'." Andy remarked. Pete rolled his eyes and grabbed stellar, walking out of the room. "Your lucky you need your hands vegan boy. "

"Wait, I need to change if we're going out in public," Stellar said as Pete dragged her out of the room. "You look fine. Especially in my clothes. " He winked as her face reddened, only just realizing she must've mistakingly grabbed Pete's hoodie. "You should where them more often peaches. I love the sight of you in them," He whispered the last part as they walked onto the side walk, flagging down a cab. "Where to?"

"Um...er, I don't know. Take us somewhere fun." The taxi driver thought for a moment and muttered something about kids. Pete sat closely with her in the back seat, the two looking at memes and sharing a laugh every few posts. Eventually the cab stopped, and they got out paying the driver. They both turned around, Pete swore. "For fuck sake. I said fun, not drink yourself into oblivion or strip joint fun." Pete grabbed her hand tightly as a cop ran past them waving a baton, narrowly missing them by inches. "Jesus Christ. Let's get out of here, I don't feel like getting raped, mugged or murdered. " He pulled out his phone, dialing for an uber instead. "Maybe be more specific next time?" She offered. He slid his gaze over their still intertwined hands and up to her face and grinned stupidly. "Well its your day peaches. Whats something you've always wanted to do?"

Her eyes lit up after a moment. "Paintball. " His face dropped at her answer. "I dont understand why of all the things fun things to do in the world, people go and choose the painful type and want to get shot in the ass. " He sighed. "Well as long as its not my beautiful face, I guess I'm game. " She grinned. "Shall I text the guys?" He nodded and she pulled out her phone. "They're shopping for clothes. They said to Meet them there, then we can go to the rally together. "

They waited for a cab, then drove to the street where the boys were and got out- still holding hands- and waved at Patrick through the window of a shop. "hey! Just meet back here when your done. The other guys are doing their own thing at the moment. " Pete waved back at him and dragged her along the sidewalk to a Gucci shop. "Oh god. I'm so under dressed for this store! They'll think I'm a hobo or something. Jesus, why would someone buy $500 sun glasses? Rip off." He chuckled and they began to browse. "Coming from the person that still shops at hot topic, I'm not surprised." She rolled her eyes. "Coming from the person that buys his own merch,"

He slid his gaze over to her. "Says the person who is wearing my merch." She held her hands up in defeat. "Alright, you win. But I still refuse to wear this crap. Plus I prefer band tees and skinny jeans. Damn that rhymed." He laughed and slung a hat and some shirts over his arm, walking to the counter. "Your so cute when you ramble."

Stellar blushed profusely, looking down at her feet to avoid Pete's teasing and the snooty shop keepers gaze. After his purchase, they walked out onto the pavement and looked around. Stellar squealed. "Hey! Hot topic! Cmon cmon cmon Pete we gotta go!" She tried to pull him across the road. "Ughhh no please, god. I don't want a million teen girls throwing themselves on me for selfies."

She looked at him with failed puppy dog eyes. "Please Petey! I'll only be like a minute," He groaned loudly and complained as she dragged him in the shop, pulling his hood up. "Jesus Christ I swear they can smell coming from a mile away. They're already staring." He whispered. She shushed him and threw t shirt after T-shirt on her arm, and laughed when she found some fall out boy ones. "Hey! This ones got your face on it! " He facepalmed as she added it to the pile, along with a handful of wristbands. At the counter, the young clerks eyes widened at Pete. "Holy shit! Your Pete Wentz! Can I have a selfie?!" Pete sighed and agreed, giving Stellar a knowing look. Soon more fans began to trickle around, on the verge of realizing who he was. "Well shit, look at the time! I have a, um, doctors appointment! Yes. Bye!" He bolted out of the store with a laughing Stellar in tow, ready to meet up with the others.


Lol how trashy are my books 😂 the plot is non existent and my chapters are short and crappy 👏😂🔫

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