Hot damn^. Anywhore I have two really good Ideas for new stories, one involving BP gee and the other as a frerard ghost fic. I'm excited fam. Watch this space.


It was black.

Why was it black? Just a moment ago, stellar could see everything. She could see Pete and Gerard, frank and Patrick, some nurse, a room. Then it went back to black. To say she was confused was an understatement. So when she woke up in another few moments later, which in reality was a few days, she was more than shocked to see the very faces she hadn't seen for more than a few years looking down at her as her eyes cracked open.
"She's waking up! Hey sweetie, mommy's here don't worry. "

What the actual fuck. That was the only thing going through her head. That along with the convincing thought she must be dreaming. But they were there every time she woke up, so when stellar woke up for good, she wished that maybe it'd be better if she could stay asleep. Pete grabbed her hand as she forced herself up in bed slightly, recoiling at the smiling faces of her mother and father opposite her, who were joined by a doctor as the practioner came to stand beside her.

"Ah, Miss Michaels. It's good to see you're awake, you've had a very long sleep. Now if you dont mind, I'll just take a few tests to see if everythings okay." No. Everything was definitely not okay according to Stellar.

She opened her mouth to say exactly that, but nothing came out. She tried again. And again. But still nothing. The doctor frowned at her, writing on his clipboard, before feeling around her neck area and offering her a glass of water. She still couldn't speak. "It appears that since your recent seizure, your vocal chords have been affected to an extent of which we are to find out. However it seems quite severe, but some more tests will be run and then you can go home with your family—"

"Um, she's actually coming home with me."

Everyone looked at Pete. "I'm afraid you are not down as next of kin, Mr Wentz. A patient in this condition, where both verbal and written consent is unable to be given by the patient, is by law required to go home with the persons listed. In this case, Mr and Mrs Michaels here,"

Pete looked stunned, to say the least. Stellar immediately began moving closer toward him, shaking her head violently in protest as she looked at all of them with pleading eyes. Pete held her tight (A/N ...or don't...) and glared at everyone menacingly. "That's bullshit. She hates her parents. She traveled half way across the country to get away from them because of how they treated her! And you're telling me that you're just gonna throw her back to them? What the fuck dude. I'm her boyfriend, I'm not letting that happen."

"As I said, as neither family nor spouse you have no rights regarding her care, Mr Wentz. So I suggest you back down before security is called."

The doctor called for a nurse and with much effort dragged Stellar off to get more tests done, leaving Just Pete and Stellar's parents. "Now look here boy. Your destiny is not with our daughter, so god would see it right for you to leave her be. There is always room for forgiveness, son. She has dwelled in the darkness for too long and must be purged of her sins and reborn. Leave us in peace."

Pete pushed Stellar's dad off of him, the sinister man becoming too touchy–feely for his liking. "Fuck off, you fucking creep. You're both nut jobs! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"You are darkness."

Pete sent them an incredelous look. No Wonder stellar wanted to escape them. "I'm not sure if that's a low play on the colour of my skin or if you're calling me an evil demonic emo or some shit, but either way you need help. What do you want? Money? Fame? It's strange you want to come back after all these years."

"Pete. Can I speak to you?"

Everyone turned to a fedora clad Patrick standing in the doorway, wringing his hands uncertainly. Or was it a Patrick clad fedora? Whether it was Patrick who wore the fedora, or the fedora that wore Patrick, nobody was really certain, yet no one really cared, because in that moment, it was completely irrelevant and just some weird tangent going off in their heads.  "I'm kind of–fine. Let's go."

Pete followed Patrick down the corridor into what must've been a family room of some sort. Everyone was seated in there— Josh, Tyler, Gerard, Frank, Ray, Mikey, Joe, Andy, Brendon and Dallon. Patrick sat down next to the latter, motioning for Pete to sit next to him. Once seated, everyone looked directly at Pete expectantly, who confusedly looked back. "What?"

"Well, what are we going to do?"

Pete became even more confused. "About what?"

"Stellar. We can't let her go home with those ass wipes. Josh briefed us on what complete and utter crazy bitches they are," Frank complained.

"Let's turn into vampires and eat them!" Mikey said enthusiastically.

Everyone just stared. "Um. Yeah. Anyway. There's not much we can do. Unless we suddenly happen to be her parents or her spouse, apparently we can't do anything. "

Everyone in the room looked at each other as the gears ticked over in their heads, before they all grinned and looked slyly at Pete. "Well, the answers simple then. Marry her."

Pete choked on his orange juice, spluttering chaotically at Brendon's comment. Once recovered, he threw the bottle at Brendon's oversized forehead. "Idiot. In her eyes we've been dating for not even a fucking day, probably not even three hours, and you want me to marry her?"

"So you don't want to marry her?"

"Of course I fucking do! She'd never say yes though would she? So how about no."

Dallon threw the bottle back at Pete's head. "Well do you have a better idea? If I were her I'd rather be married to a dick like you than put with someone trying to exorcize me everyday. Go fucking ask her. The sooner the better. These things take time, you know. You still have to get it legalized and all that bullshit. So hurry up Peter, or she'll be stuck with the cultens forever."

Brendon sniggered. "The cultens? What's that, a play on the Walton's? Bad joke Dallon. Just don't even. " Dallon poked his tongue out like a little kid, only to fall off his chair  when Brendon licked it with his own. "Save it for the bedroom guys. We already have to put up with Frank and Gerard eye fucking every other second of the day." 

Pete stood up abruptly cutting everyone off.

"Wish me luck."


Well, then. I have no idea how hostpitals or doctors work so yeah I have no idea wtf is going on. Comments would be appreciated x

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