I have no idea wtf is going on hElp 😵


It was Christmas Day, and like every other day, it started with Mikey and Stellar casually inserting Either frank or Gerard's name into conversation whenever they happened to be speaking to them. All in all, their efforts hadn't gotten very far, as the boys were more in denial than ever, but today would be different, because today Mikey and stellar would unveil their plan.

It all started that morning. The two matchmakers dissapeared out of the hotel they were staying at, dragging a very sleepy bedraggled Ray out with them, just leaving Gee and Frank together, alone. Ray scratched his afro, looking at them with a cross between annoyed and curious. "Guys, what the hell is going on? Its cold, its Christmas, and I should be in bed watching TV. Not being dragged outta bed at eight in the morning."

"Quit complaining Ray, you needa just come with us. Its all for the greater good. "

He rolled his eyes. "Better be. Or I'm ditching you guys and I mean it."

They arrived back at the hotel around three hours later, to see Gee sitting by himself watching some movie. "Where's Frank?" Mikey asked.  That seemed to always be the question lately, asked way too many times than they could count. Gerard just shrugged. "Probably still asleep." Damn. Time for phase two. From what it looked like, Gerard still needed to be asleep. His eyes were tired looking and had dark circles, skin paler than usual as he slumped on the couch. It seemed his now three day long soberness was taking a toll on him, whether that was negative or positive was questionable. At least he'd made the effort, they supposed.

Mikey nodded and marched over to Franks room, walking in without knocking and immediately sprinting out beet red with his eyes covered and screaming in horror. He dived in next to Gerard, dragging the latter's blankets over his head to keep out god knows what. Frank came out a minute later perhaps a shade darker, looking alarmed and pissed off at the same time. He looked over at Mikey who still hid next to Gee and rolled his eyes. "We've all told you about knocking Mikey! There's a reason it was invented!"

"A thing called a lock was invented too!" Mikey grumbled from under the blanket. Ray looked between them, the gears ticking in his head. "What'd he walk in on? Got someone in there Frankie?" Ray wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. Stellar face palmed, Gerard chuckling as Mikey groaned.

"More like his right hand."

"Guys! Too much information!" Stellar blocked her ears as Gerard began full on laughing, or rather borderline cackling, and watched as Frank covered his face and went impossibly Redder, retreating back to his room. "Frank! Get your ass ready now, we're leaving for the night! "

Frank muttered something before going to pack his stuff, Ray going to help him as Mikey popped his head back up next to Gee. Gerard smoothed back his hair and sat up, grabbing his black and gray striped scarf off the floor. "Where're we goin'? Hardly any things open and its snowing."

"That's for me and Mikey to know and you guys to find out."


And find out they did, an hour and a half of driving later and they were there, ready for phase two of the plan. Gerard squinted. "A cabin. In the woods. You obviously haven't seen that Stephen King movie. Now I'm just waiting for the girl to pop out with a baseball bat. "

"There's So. Many. Trees . Why are there so many trees?!" Frank spun around wildly looking around him, falling over in the snow only to start moving a moment later to make a snow angel. Mikey kicked him in the side, receiving a string of profanities in return. "You want some cheese with that whine?"

Gerard giggled loudly and patted Mikey's back proudly. Frank aimed a kick at him this time. "If you're not careful I'll streak for you Mikey. Give you the full fuckin' package. No pun intended. "

Mikey rolled his eyes. "Get up midget. We're going inside. " He walked off toward the cabin with Ray in tow, Stellar sprinting off to leave the two alone. The three stood on the porch creepily watching as Gerard helped Frank up, dusting the snow off of him before turning toward them and raising an eyebrow at their stalker-ishness. Mikey highfived her when he turned away, smiling at their small success. And so it begun.

The cabin, although small, was cozy and really ramped up the holiday feel. It had five bedrooms, one bathroom which had a massive bathtub, and oh, not to mention the crazy amazing hot tub out back on the deck. All in all, the whole place was awesome, a step up from the bunks they'd been stuck in for god knows how long and this place believe it or not, had been chosen by Mikey because he thought it'd have a 'romantic' feel, all for the plan.

In the last few hours of arriving, Ray had also been informed of the plan, being all for it and willing to help as much as he could. Which is how he found himself out in the woods, trudging around for a certain tree that would hopefully make the difference. All in the name of love.

So the plan was now all go. Everything had been unfolding perfectly, to the trios delight. Frank and Gee had been talking all afternoon and most of the night, thanks to increasing absences of the rest of the band, so when Ray found the mistletoe it was all too easy to get them together in one place and for him to silently hang it it in that one place. Mikey then stole their phones, dumping them in a relatively small closet, when looked for would be rung by stellars phone, alerting the boys to the electronics whereabouts. She waited around a corner as they heard the ringing, walking down the hall together, toward the closet. Frank in, Gerard in. Springing out she locked them in it, much to their protests. Mikey and ray came running to check, hoping that things would fall into place.

Inside, Frank fumbled with his phone in the tight space. Gerard's elbow was digging into his ribs and he couldn't see shit. He turned the torch light on, nearly blinding himself in the process, seeing Gee in front of him as they looked around. Gerard swore as he looked Up. Frank followed his gaze.

"O-Oh. Is that–mistletoe?"

Gerard blushed in the dim of the torchlight, shadows contouring his face emensely. He was going to kill that scheming lot as soon as he got out. Maybe down a shit load of eggnog while he was at it. "I–uh, what a weird thing t–to be growing in a c-closet. " Frank's face blushed too. "Um, yeah. So, uh. Fuck, this is awkward. "

"Just fucking make out already!" Mikey yelled outside. The both of them startled, blushing an even deeper shade of red. "Fuck you Mikey Way! Is this your doing?!"

"Yes now shut up and get it done with!"

"I'm sorry about him Frankie, he's just–" Gerard was cut off by Frank slamming his lips onto his, surprised at first, before melting into it. This is all Gee had wanted since first meeting the midget. And god, why didnt he do this sooner? And the moment was gone all to quickly, leaving Gerard dazed. "Frankie?"

"There, you big idiot. I've been meaning to do that for a long time." The short man said. Mikey yanked open the doors, revealing the blushing pair to the rest of the band. "Yay! You guys can come out of the closet now! And I mean that literally! " They blushed again. Thats all that seemed to be happening lately, blushing and all things of the sort. But the plan had worked.

And Gerard, well, this is the happiest he'd felt in a long, long, time.

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