Pete paused the movie he was watching and looked lazily over at his phone beeping on the kitchen counter. Too far way from the couch for his liking. He rolled his eyes. Probably not important. He turned the TV back on and ignored the annoying ringing again. On the third ring, his phone vibrated itself off of the counter, almost as if in an attempt to get his attention. He cursed, got out of bed and angrily limped over toward his kitchenette, wondering who the hell would be calling him at such a late hour. His eyebrows rose at the number. Stellar? What could she possibly want? To apologize? Demand pizza? Maybe she was drunk. Letting his curiosity or his balls get to him, he sighed and called back, receiving no answer. Shaking his head, he limped back to bed, hating how people would call you only seconds later to be called back and not answer. How far could they be away from the goddamned phone? Was it payback for not making the call in time? He mumbled profanities and called back again still no answer. He sent her a text.

From: Pete
To: Stellar🍏

You just called?

He waited a few minutes, with no reply. Maybe it was just pocket dialing. But twice? Maybe somethings wrong. Maybe that's why she never replied. Maybe she got kidnapped. Maybe she just misses you. Pete shook his head of all thoughts, deciding to put his theories to rest and just go check on her. She was only down the hall after all. He slipped on a shirt, not bothering with getting dressed up for no reason. He put his phone his his sweatpants pocket, went out the door and sautefed down the hall, to where her door was. Surely it was nothing. They'd only just eaten dinner together two hours ago. He sighed loudly in the dark hallway and knocked. Once. twice. Three times. No answer. He called out her name. Still no answer. Groaning, he went further down the hall until he reached the crew housing. Knocking loudly, a guy eventually answered the door, looking like he'd been woken up. Pete didn't exactly remember his name, but the guy didn't look up to reintroductions at this hour. "Jesus, what ungodly hour is it? What do you want?"

"I need the spare swipe card. I locked myself out of my room."

"Jesus Christ, bloody kids. Give me a minute." He wandered back in the room, coming back with the master key. " Bring it back to me will you? And don't loose it. I'm going back to sleep. " He slammed the door in Pete's face, not even bothering to question his appearance. As if pete would go partying in his sleepwear. Limping back down the hall he swiped the card in Stellars doorway, watching as the little light flashed from red to green and the door clicked open. He walked into the room and shut it behind him, turning the light on in the room. He called out to her. Nothing. A breeze sent chills around his feet, making his dig them deeper into the plush Gray carpet. He walked over to the balcony, looking out before shutting the sliding door. Weird. Her bed was rumpled, but not slept in. Her bag was still here, so she wouldn't have gone out. Light slithered through crack of the doorframe in a sliver, sending Pete walking over to investigate. He stood outside and listened, perhaps for the shower or clanking of a makeup bag. Instead he heard a quiet sob. Almost silent, but not quite. He knocked. "Stellar? " No reply. "Stellar I'm coming in," He put his hand on the door knob, twisting the cold metal slowly, as if preparing him for what was to come. He opened the door wide, wider than his black rimmed eyes at the scene before him.

In two short strides he reached the other side of the bathroom, where he ripped the curtain open fully to where Stellar sat, knees to her chin, bloodied hands curled around herself in the corner of the empty bathtub. Pete jumped in and knelt down to her, unsure of what to do, scared but so desperately in need of touching her.

"Stellar?! W-what-oh god!"

He ran his hands through his hair, freaking out. "Um, oh my life. I'm going to call sonebody-"

"N-no. Pete p-please. Don't." She choked out. He nodded and looked around wildly, jumping back out and heading over to the medicine cabinet, grabbing the first aid kit and some tissues. He got back in and set everything down, sitting down in front of her. "Okay Stel, I need you to just put your arms out okay? I need to stop the bleeding." Shakily, he guided her arms to his lap, where he saw several thin, thankfully not very deep, fresh cuts linning her forearms. He gently pressed a cloth to them, waiting for the bleeding to stop. He watched heartbroken as her body heaved dry tears, no sounds from her mouth audible. When the blood had stopped, he wiped her arms clean and bandaged them, carefully assessing her for any other physical damage. Done with that, he put the medical supplies aside and helped her up and out of the tub, turning the water on to wash away the blood. Forgeting his sprained foot he guided her into her bedroom, setting her gently on the bed next to him, where he put his arm around her and gently hugged her to his chest. She didn't move away. "I-i tried to c-call. Nob-body answered," she whispered. He smoothed her hair and shushed her. "I know baby. I'm sorry. I'm here now okay? I won't leave you." She whimpered and hugged him tighter. "I tried to fight it Pete. I really did. It just got too much- and I couldn't control myself."

He lay back and pulled her down with him onto his chest. "What's done is done. Just promise me, promise you'll hold on for me. You mean so much to me Stel. I-i don't know what I'd do without you." He said truthfully. She gripped his hand, aware of his slightly accelerated heart rate underneath her head. "I promise Pete. You mean a-alot to me to." She stuttered, grateful for the darkness in the room. And in that darkness, she felt him pull her impossiblly closer, as if they were both each others lifeline, which in a sense they were.

Stellar looked out at the New York skyline.

Once again, she didn't have to fight alone.

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