Idek who Dave is I just assumed they'd need a tour manager or something and if they already have one then I don't even know who they are 😂 oh well


Dave Bryant was a cold, hard man from the backstreets of Chicago, son to two wealthy parents and the middle child of two siblings. He had traveled around the country at an early age, later on helping head start many small bands with a few, like MCR, actually making it onto the scene. He was lucky to have even one person that liked him, most only putting up with his rudeness because everyone knew he was the best damn manager in the businesses. At least, one of the best.

So when Dave met Stellar for the first time in the tour bus, Gerard wasn't one tad surprised When Dave just got straight to the point, blunt as ever. Stellar however, seemed quite taken aback despite her calm demeanor. "Right, you. Once Cassie gets here, you are to go with her and get stuck in touching up your cosmetic skills. Judging by your face, I think its best you try some on your it, clear up those imperfections. You've got quite a few. Maybe get her to do those eyebrows, maybe those bags under your eyes too. Hmm, Gerard, what do you think?"

Gerard rolled his eyes. "Well Dave, I don't really see anything wrong with her. You on the other hand, hm, maybe a little botox on those frown lines. Although, I reckon some surgery to get your head outta your ass would do you wonders,"

Stellar had to cover her mouth to contain her laughter. "Haha Gerard. Anyway. Your first show is tonight, then you have a signing earlier tomorrow morning before another show and then we wrap up and move along to the next town. "

Gerard barely had time to reply before Dave got up, brushing off excess dust from his suit sleeve. "Well, I have lunch with Vivienne today. I'll see you later. And Gerard, have a shower, you smell like a dumpster. " Gerard made a face at him, as he turned to walk out. Perfectly timed, he was just about to open the door when frank and the blonde came out red faced. "Oh Cassie. How nice to see you here! And frank, why am I not surprised. " He opened the door fully and stepped out, leaving them all to it.  Just looking at the pair gave stellar vivid flashbacks of what she had seen earlier. "Um, well I have things to do. Er, guess I leave you to it then. Bye?" She stood up and hurriedly walked out the door, shortly followed by a chuckling Gerard. "Walk of shame eh? Its just a question of which one of you three has the most. "

Stellar cringed and kept walking aimlessly, Gerard in tow with his usual bored look on his face. After a while, he spoke. "So. How's life? " She rolled her eyes. "Your looking at it. " He hummed along in approval.  They walked in silence for about three minutes before she burst out with a question. "Do I really have bags under my eyes? I mean, being a guy you probably wouldn't answer that but it'd be great if you could but I suppose –"
"Shut it." He grabbed her shoulders and shook her slightly for effect. "Listen, there is nothing wrong with you. Okay? Nothing. Got it?"

"But Dave said–"

"Don't listen to Dave. Fuck Dave. He's a self centered loser that picks on everyone. Just last week he complained that I could pass for a woman. I mean sure, I have longer hair than the usual dude, but other than that I still don't see the resemblance," he stared at his arm and pulled on a strand of black hair. She chuckled. "Well, you do have better eyebrows than most chicks. And longer eyelashes. And higher cheekbones. And cute rose petal lips, and let's not forget those pins–" He groaned. "Okay! I get it. I get it. Blame it on my mother, not me." He continued walking as she ran to catch up with his long stride, laughing lightly. "Hm, I don't know. Mikey looks pretty masculine,"

"Hey, that's only cause– ugh I don't know. Damn genetics." He made a face. "Ngaw, don't worry gee, your pretty too. I mean just look at those chubby cheeks of yours." She grabbed his cheeks and according to him did the 'annoying grandma' thing. "Hey so, any idea where we are? We're not going to get robbed again are we?" She asked. Gerard swung his arm over her shoulder. "Damn, you just ruined my plans, I was just lookin for the perfect alley."

"Dayum, that sass is on fire today. But seriously. I'm hungry. You wouldn't like me when I'm hungry. "

He shook his head. "I swear in the few days I've known you, all you seem to do is make band, comic and movie references, digs and roasting people with the occasional wise man speech. " Stellar grinned. "Well for the few days I've known you, I'm still deciding whether your a serial killer or not. Kinda settling on vampire though, since you never seem to age." He gave her a weird look. "There are so many things wrong with that sentence that I don't even know where to begin. Serial killer? And how would you know whether I age or not?"

Her face flared slightly, as she realized he'd caught her out. "I, oh. Yeah, I pretty much stalked you on the internet the same day I met you. And you have this face that looks like you wanna kill certain people, pretty sure its when your pissed off. " He more or less facepalmed into her shoulder, mumbling something about her being really weird. "Jesus Christ. " His head shot up as someone nearly ran into them. They started snapping photos of the two, with a few other people gathering around to watch. "oh wow, okay. Hey buddy, no photos. I saw Paris Hilton down the street, go pester her."

The photographer kept at it, with more people joining in, crowding around them. Gerard swore under his breath, looking for a way out. He backed into a door handle, before turning around and opening it into a clothes shop. They shut the door hurriedly before running in and looking for the back exit. "Um Gee, is this store what I think it is?" He stopped and looked around, mouth falling open. "Oh, OH. um. Yeah? "

"Shit. Quick, they're coming in. Is there a back exit?" He shook his head worriedly. "Not that I can see. Cmon, We'll hide then run out when they get away from the door. " He looked around wildly, before darting into a changing room. She followed him in, sitting on the bench so they didn't see their legs. "This is so embarrassing. They're gonna have pictures of us coming in here Gerard. God."

He grinned. "At least you don't have videos of your pants falling down on stage. Pretty sure that takes the cake." She laughed quietly. "I dunno, once I had to be cut out of a rubbish bin thanks to josh. The whole street came out to watch. "

He had to cover his mouth to stifle his laughter.. "What were you doing in a bin? "

" I was trying to get my merch out that my parents threw in it. I'm pretty short, so I kinda fell in. Josh was supposed to hold me so I didn't fall but you can see what happened." He raised an eyebrow. "Why would your parents throw merch out?" Stellars face darkened and she looked away. "They, didnt approve of that sort of stuff. "

"What? Band stuff?"

"Among other things. " She scratched the lint off of her hoodie. "Let me guess, religious nuts?" Her lips curved up. "Bang on. "  He smiled and got up, peering through the crack in the door. "Cmon, I think they're gone. "

She followed him out smiling, and sure enough the shop was empty. "Good, because I'm starving. "

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