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H. Got a bit tired of this. He was paging Speed but with no luck.
He decided to meet him at the scene. After crossing all the Miami , he found nobody there. No police officers and surely no Speed. He went into the lab a bit nervous.
"Sam? Have you seen Speed? "
"No...he's at the scene. That's what the guys told me when they came back."
Horatio felt sudden sting of worries. That's why he went straight to homicide .
"Mike..you've been to the Woods with Speedle, right?"
"Yeah...but we left before he finished".
"Did anyone stay there after?"
"Marlon was the last...I 'll ask him. Why?"
"I can't spot Speed. He's not there and he was supposed to call me after he finished...."
"Marlon!!!!" Mike shouted "you were the last to leave the woods weren't you?"
"Was Speedle there?"
"Yeah...I offered him a lift as I saw lieutenant leave, but he hasn't finished yet."
"Oh... " H. Got itchy. Something was wrong. If his phone was dead, he would use a pager...
"I need to go back  there". H. Said.
The beeping of dispatch made him sigh. He approached the reception desk "Paula I can't go now.Cancel me out please" He simply said. "I have no one left and what's worse I can't spot Speed..."
"Lieutenant it's ...ummm... Up call. I'll ask how urgent it is". She picked up a phone. "Someone from IAB." she explained "And there's been an accident with lots of victims."
"I see... Ok. I have no choice then. Page Eric or Calleigh. If anyone can come, summon them".
"Lieutenant" Paula shouted
"Someone spotted our evidence box by the main road".
"Number?" H. Got pale.
"....yes? Yes... Yes.... " paula was writing it down, dictated by someone. 43345. Speed's box.
"It's ..."
"... Speed's. I know. Page Calleigh and Eric and make them come here. ASAP. "
Paula nodded. Horatio put up his phone and left.
"It's my cell" Cal said "yeah mine too... I'll get it. Yes Paula?"
"Eric you and Calleigh are to be here ASAP."
"Something wrong? "
"Yeah. Better be quick. "
Eric looked at Calleigh and they hurriedly left.
"So... That was the afterparty" Eric smiled. "Yeah...but the exhibition was fantastic. Ok let's go. It must be important I guess."
When they entered the lab still in good moods, they saw Paula and Horatio talking about something. It was visibly seen that he was nervous.
"H....what's up? "
"Take hummer and go to a scene.Take Marlon Giggs- he's gonna tell you everything.And   Find him for god's sake. Belmontes!!!" He shouted- "let's go! We need to pick up the box. Keep me posted."
Eric and Calleigh were taking the keys not understanding what is going on.
"Marlon...can you explain us please what's the rush?"
"We had a crime scene in the Cedar Woods. And simultanously at the second end of Miami. Lieutenant left Speedle at Cedar and rushed there. When he came back Speedle wasn't there, he's not taking the calls..."
"Maybe he took the bus " Eric smiled at Calleigh. She was looking at him in disbelief.
"...His box was found by the city road half an hour ago..."
Calleigh got white on the face." O my god. "
"But he... He wouldn't leave his box like this... Not Speed " Eric thought aloud.
"No. So that's  why Caine is worried".
"Something happened" Calleigh said covering her mouth. "Hurry up Eric..."
Stopping at the Cedar Woods they entered the tape, looking around. "SPEED! Eric shouted.
Where the hell is he?"
Calleigh was walking carefully, looking at the ground.
"There are lot of footprints here..."
"There were a lot of people here. Really. " Marlon said.
"Let's search the woods"
"You're joking Cal? Three people?"
He nodded and they went separate ways. After an hour a car approached. Horatio.
"Nothing. You?"
"No." He shook his head. "The box was almost empty. There are samples missing". He was in dispair. "Where can he be?"
"Tim wouldn 't leave the box just like that." Cal said.
"Maybe he was forced? Or kidnapped? "Giggs said. They turned to him with angry faces.
"Yea...we figured that out. Giggs go back and report him missing.
Calleigh- go with him."
He entered the woods. "Speed!!!".
"H...."Eric started "... I'm very sorry...I don't know what to say."
" me neither. We must find him. I left him here though I shouldn't"
"And I asked him for exchange though I saw his tired eyes...God"
There came 20 more police officers to search for him with no luck. When they were coming back to the car, cell started to buzz "Horatio, there's a man brought by the rescue to Miami general after head trauma. Matches Tim's description... "
"We're going there straight away. How bad is it?"
"Unconscious. But stable. Let me know".
They hurried to MG. They headed straight to ER.
"My name is Horatio Caine". H. Flashed the badge "I need to see
the man brought by the rescue." Nurse showed him the door.
They looked at each other and entered.
In bed, wrapped in bandage, was Speedle. Doc was sewing his eyebrow at the moment. They sighed with relief.
"Doc...I'm  lt.Caine. This is my lab tech... How's he?"
"Getting consciousness any moment now...hit hard on the head and probably fell on sth sharp. We're gonna conduct CT but it looks generally ok."
"Eric...call Calleigh and withdraw the force. Thank you doctor. I'll be outside". The doc nodded.
Outside Eric said "Thank God... I thought.... "
"Yeah. Me too. But here comes trouble" said H. watching Rick Stetler, IAB officer, approaching.
"Gentlemen... We need to talk"
"Not now, Rick...we don't know how he is, if he's ok....don' t you feel how inapropriate it is?"
"It's my job Horatio. And you are responsible for this. And Speedle."
"But ......"Eric started "it's on me I guess..."
"No mr Delko. First -Lieutenant is in charge and should control the lab, second- Speedle knows well how many hours in a row he can work. So- will we talk now Horatio?"
"Sooner the better " H sighed "go and see him Eric. And let me know."
When they both left Eric sat down heavily. What a shit happened of all of this, they can lose their jobs... His thoughts were stopped by the door opening and the doc said-" you can enter now. "
He entered the room. Speed was sitting quite conciously on the bed.
"Hey "Eric said. "How are you?"
"Good " Speed said gloomy "they're gonna sign me out in few hours. CT scan showed no damage."
"How did that happen?"
"I don't know. I just remember the guy I asked to go behind the tape... Then I woke up here. where's H?"
"He's being questioned by IAB officer".
"Oh...I guess we're fucked up."
"Kinda. I'm sorry. It's my fault. "
"No...I shouldn't take this shift and we probably should have told H....What's done is done".
"What can he do? This guy?"
"Suspend me I guess.... But H? I don't know...I hope not too much".
"Want something to drink, or eat?"
"No. Not hungry. "
The door opened and H. peeped in.
"You ok Speed?" He was visibly annoyed.
"Yeah. I'm fine. How was it? With Stetler. "
"As always" he smiled nervously "he wants to talk to you too."
"About the box... it's been found empty. "
"Shit...it was full of evidence...
When? "
"ASAP of course... Call me when you're ready. Gotta go. I'm glad you're ok. Eric- we need to come back. "
Eric hugged Speed and they both left.

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