Twenty Six

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WARNING!!!! This chapter contains material that could be triggering. Just warning...


"What about Daphne?" Dean asked jokingly. 

"I'm sorry but I am not naming our daughter after a scooby-doo  character." You said shaking your head. 

"Gabe what should we name your little sister?" Dean asked him. 

"Puppy!" He responded giggling. That seemed to be the only word he knew how to say these days. 

"I really liked Mary, it was your moms name..." You said facing Dean.

"I don't know, I mean isn't it weird naming your kid after your dead mother?" He asked nonchalantly. 

"Dean! People name kids after relatives who are alive! It may not be as common but it's like an heirloom. Right?" 

"Yeah I guess so. How about we see what she looks like, if she looks like a Mary, then that will be her name..." He said smiling.

"Okay." You said nodding your head. 

You had to admit, being pregnant after a miscarriage had its ups and downs. Obviously you had an actual baby, that wasn't dead. But there was always this fear in the back of your mind, that was telling you 'Your baby could die' And it makes you so uncomfortable. YOu just felt like it was all to good to be true. 

"Hey what's wrong?" Dean asked. He could read you like a book, it was crazy how quickly he could tell your mood was off.

 "Don't you worry that we're not actually going to have a baby?" You ask.

"Remember what you told me when you were pregnant with Gabe, she is in there, I mean you are definitely bigger than usual.." He said laughing.

"Wow, thanks." You said laughing. "But like what if she isn't alive when she comes out.." You trail off. 

"You don't have to worry about that. At the last ultrasound the doctor said  that she was perfectly healthy, and had all ten fingers and toes." He said placing a hand on your stomach and drawing little circles. 

"I know." You said sadly.

"How about we go shop for the nursery?" Dean asked standing up. 

"Okay, we're painting it pink right?" You asked smiling.

"Whatever you want to do, as long as your happy baby." He said kissing your forehead. 


You were 8 months pregnant now. It felt like she could come any day now. You really wish she would. Except that could be bad, because she'd be premature...

The nursery was getting the finishing touches put on it, you had taken another cute picture with the paint on your belly. A/N The nursery looked like the one in the media. 

Dean had just gotten all the furniture set up. Gabe was so excited to go in. He kept saying "Sister." You and Dean had taught him that word, and he finally learned how to say it. 

"Sisters?" HE asked holding a stuffed bunny. 

"Yes baby that will be your sisters." You said taking it from him. Dean chuckled. 

"Cas Bear" He said running off to get his bear that Castiel had got him a long time ago. 

When people say that after your first child you won't want to do all the 'gender reveals' or 'Baby showers' They were right. You and Dean had been so tired just from taking care of Gabe and just being adults that you hadn't had the time to organize a party. 

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