Twenty Two

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That's all you hear when you wake up. Well and Dean snoring. You don't remember much of what happened, al you know is that now you're in a hospital, again.

"Dean?" You say quietly... "Where are we? What happened?"

"We were in a car accident, I'm fine..." He says motioning his hands down his body. "Gabe has a few cuts from the glass, but you took most of the hit." He says.

"Oh...Was the other person okay.." You ask worriedly.

"Yes they were in a semi... It was so big that hitting the car did nothing to it." He says laughing.

"Oh okay....How's the baby?" You ask... This is like déjà vu.

"The doctors said it's fine, you mostly had head trauma, and when they checked the heartbeat it was fine." He said with a smile.

"What's wrong with my head?" You ask Dean.

"From What the doctor said and what I understood you have a few minor lacerations, that are located around your forehead, nothing too serious." He says trying to sound professional. Which makes you laugh.

Then all of he sudden all these worries started coming at you. Where's Gabe... What if your baby isn't okay? And the wedding! It was supposed to be in a few weeks... you could not get married until you healed..

"Dean..How are we supposed to get married when I look like crap!" You say.

"First of all you do not look like crap, you look like my fiancé and she's gorgeous." He says with a wink "Secondly I already took care of it... Were now getting married in 2 months." He says proudly.

"Oh...okay" You say smiling.

~One week later~

Dean went back to work, that means you were left at home with Gabe...You also had to be his doctor and clean his cuts until they fully healed..Much like you had to do to yourself.

It was sort of gross for you, because you had to clean over stitches..Gabe did not have any, so his cuts were about as hard to clean as a scrape.

But the fact that he was just a toddler made it pretty hard too...they never sit still long enough for you to do anything. You have had to get up and run around the apartment about nine times in the five minutes it takes you to clean him up...

That was hard for you because you were sore all over. Moving from room to room made your entire body ache....

Simple things too like grabbing food, or even going to the bathroom were hard. And being pregnant on top of everything made it worse. But you haven't experienced morning sickness...yet. Which made you glad because that would make everything that much worse.

Once you finished cleaning Gabe up you went to the kitchen to start preparing breakfast. Gave requested pancakes for the 4th morning in a row... It was impossible for you to say no to his little face.

Suddenly your lower stomach feels like it's about to explode. It could be nausea but you have a feeling it's something worse... You know that when you're pregnant you shouldn't feel cramps like this.

You run to the bathroom and feel like you're going to be sick, but you don't throw up... You stand up to go back to the kitchen, and see a little pool of blood on the floor.

I am going to be sick... You thought. Then you realized that the blood wasn't there earlier, and that it was coming from you....

You sit there for a minute until reality sets in. You shouldn't bleed when you're pregnant... Especially not this much. You know what this means...

You begin to tear up, but you have Gabe to worry about, you need to call Dean... yeah... that's what you have to do.

You grab your phone out of your pocket and shakily dual Deans number.

"Come on pick up...." You say shaking the phone...No answer.

"Dammit!" You yell. Gabe comes strolling in.

"What's wrong mama?" He asks pointing at the blood. For a one year old he was already smart enough to realize that blood was bad... You grabbed him so he wouldn't step into it.

I need to get to the hospital now you thought.

"Well Mommy is hurt baby, I need to go to the hospital, but it's not bad... Okay" You say to him kissing his forehead.

"Okay." He says smiling. You were so glad he didn't realize how bad this situation actually was... "Baby!" Gabe said pointing at your belly, like you and Dean had taught him over the past week. He had been stubborn and refused to say it... Of course now of all times he says it. You have to bite down on your lip to stop yourself from crying.

"Yeah...That's where it was.." You say smiling back.

You try calling Dean again, he doesn't answer.. again.. You decide to call Sam, yeah he may not be the best person to call, but he's the only one who's not working right now.

"Sam..." You croak our when he picks up.

"Y/n what do you want." He says angrily. God he's so childish! He needs to get over himself.

"Sam... I think the baby..." You begin to cry. "I need you to come over here now." You say hanging up the phone. You can't help but cry now.

You sit there waiting...and waiting...when finally you hear the lock turn. You hear Sam come in, it's too early for Dean to be coming home.

"Y/n..where are you this better be import..." He trails off. You believe it's because of seeing you in the bathroom.. Apparently there was more blood than you thought.. It was all over the floor. You stood up and handed Gabe to Sam and grabbed a towel off the rack. Sam rushed down to his car and got Gabe buckled in then slowly you sat in the passenger side, careful not to bleed on the seats.

"So does this mean??" Sam asks worriedly..

"Yes...Sam this means that my baby is dying and I'm having a miscarriage if that's what you're asking." You say angrily. Why of all people did this happen too You. What did you do to deserve this. You watch out the window as you cry. Sam tries to grab your hand but you pull it away. He didn't want to come over... He doesn't deserve to be near you but you needed a way to the hospital.

You pull up to emergency and they take you in. They bring you too a little room and call Dean. He finally picks up.

"Hello! Is everything alright?" He asks.

"Yeah Dean it's me.. Um I need you to come to the hospital it's urgent." You say holding back tears.

When he gets there the doctors explain everything that happened and how the baby was probably affected by the accident and they didn't realize...and it was to much for it. They said that once the bleeding had stopped the baby will be gone.


The little human who you hadn't met yet just gone... You leaned into Deans side and sobbed hysterically. And all the doctors had to say was...

"Just wait a couple of months before trying again.." And the nurse left.

You felt numb on the inside, not any emotion.. You had this little spark of hope when you were at home that maybe your baby would live... And as soon as you got to the hospital that Hope was crushed.

They made you go home once they were sure the bleeding wasn't internal and you would be fine. Apparently they had no room for new patients, so you drove home with Dean.

The whole ride home was silent...

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